Have you met him? (I ask the question with all sincerity because if you haven't met him I really don't think you would have to ask).
But...I will clarify.
Anthony Dear is an empty suit because -
1. His idea of motivational tactics are very much like Johnny Cochran (OJ Simpson's lawyer "if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit.") He likes to rhyme. Just a little lame IMO.
2. He offers no new ideas...have you heard him during a managers meeting...probably not. His coaching ideas are "are your reps discussing efficacy?" "are your reps discussing managed care advantages?" Well of course they are...idiot...what else is there to discuss. Do you have any thoughts of your own?
I could go on but the wine is starting to take effect and don't want to imbibe my message. Let's keep this conversation going; this could get really good.
Anthony Dear is a good person. He is now in training. Please stop being hateful. I always think the disadvantage to Cafe Pharma is it allows haters to hide behind anonymity. Speak up...if you are bold enough to call out someone, be man enough tp identify yourself you coward!!!!!!