another thread bites the dust...


HR, Exec, Managers....basically, everyone above the basic supervisors... hiding and petitioning against how people are treated at your company will only provides truth to the exact arguement most are stating. Acumed will continue to lose valuable people until the wages are competative, people are valued for what their positions, not micro-managed, and allowed to be innovative.

i will agree... name calling, shit throwing, and bashing are not a clear means of getting one's point across....but, neither is hiding the truth or denying facts that are killing the company internal culture.

To address the "bottom line" as is the main concern for the last 2 years:
investment in your people will pay off. Buying product that is inferior to what your current engineers, if provided the tools to be innovative, could develop, is a horrible business plan. Acumed was built and grew off of product that was imagined, designed, developed in house, and had proper testing. You, as upper managment have lost touch with the reality of the little guy who is making the product you make your 6-digit income off of. A little appreciation is HUGE.
Not to mention, if HR takes 2 weeks to hire a position within HR, but, 2mos to hire any other postions, this company has lost touch with reality.

Farming out product/buying ideas:
if this is the mentality of upper mangment, then, product design, manufacturing, and everything associated to these two are a simple dog and pony show. Engineers, designers, machinists...these people love being what they are. Allow the mission statement to ACTUALLY mean something as it did so many years ago.

When your employee is compensated well, appreciated, allowed to actually DO what they were hired for, their opinion is actually valued and not placated, and your internal goals follow what acumed was built around....the mission statement, these rediculous threads will cease to exist, people will praise acumed again rather than bash it, they will refer people as they did before, and grow acumed as you executives want.

I KNOW this thread will get bashed for immature things such as punctuation, spelling, missing words....and god knows whatever else, only to deter from what I am trying to convey.

So, go on and keep doing what your doing and expect a different result with the same managment style that hasnt worked yet, keep dangling the carrot and pulling it away, keep trying to affirm the goals and direction with a silver tongue, keep pushing on with your words of encouragement and esteem building ideas.

Words build/destroy trust and respect, Actions build/destroy a culture.

Well said OP, I agree with all you said. Instead of learning why people are unhappy and disengaged HR try to silence and intimidate everyone that does not agree. Nothing have come from all the surveys that have been done, will anyone be surprised if they just stop with the engagement surveys when the next one come back even worse. And then we will never hear a word about those again. Shameful.

Pretend that you care but silent everyone's complaints and concerns. Create an environment where people don't dare to voice their concerns. Keep everyone at their desk for as many hours as possible and never let anyone work from home because surely that will lead to highly productive and innovative employees. Keep repeating that everyone's pay is just fine and within the appropriate range even if folks are leaving in droves for better paying jobs and you are unable to fill new positions. Act surprised when engagement scores are down, come up with a silly plan to look good for Colson.

Since you are reading this ET, please have some self awareness. It is impossible that hundreds of people are wrong and you are right. You ridicule those that occupied the ET and HR before you, but the evidence shows that the company was more successful and employees where happier before you came. Perhaps reach out to those that held your position before? Ask how they were successful, where you failed.

Would you even consider it.

Not likely

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