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Another Pinocchio


Many observers have known this, but it bears repeating: Donald Trump signed letter of intent for a Trump Tower Moscow project despite Giuliani insisting he didn't.

A newly obtained document shows President Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, despite his attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming on Sunday the document was never signed.


Many observers have known this, but it bears repeating: Donald Trump signed letter of intent for a Trump Tower Moscow project despite Giuliani insisting he didn't.

A newly obtained document shows President Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, despite his attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming on Sunday the document was never signed.

So what?

He was in the process of cutting a business deal with one of our major foreign adversaries. During hos campaign he lied about that and had operatives (Cohen, Flynn and Trump Jr) continuing those conversations. Ask the judge in the Flynn case about the meaning of him having a general who negotiated a 5 figure lobbyist contract with a major foreign adversary. Maybe just maybe you'll get it but if you don't refer to one of the Donald's favorite words - disgusting! :cool:

He was in the process of cutting a business deal with one of our major foreign adversaries. During hos campaign he lied about that and had operatives (Cohen, Flynn and Trump Jr) continuing those conversations. Ask the judge in the Flynn case about the meaning of him having a general who negotiated a 5 figure lobbyist contract with a major foreign adversary. Maybe just maybe you'll get it but if you don't refer to one of the Donald's favorite words - disgusting! :cool:


He was in the process of cutting a business deal with one of our major foreign adversaries. During hos campaign he lied about that and had operatives (Cohen, Flynn and Trump Jr) continuing those conversations. Ask the judge in the Flynn case about the meaning of him having a general who negotiated a 5 figure lobbyist contract with a major foreign adversary. Maybe just maybe you'll get it but if you don't refer to one of the Donald's favorite words - disgusting! :cool:

Funny! Who was it that said tell Vlad I’ll have more flexibility after the election????

Hint- it wasn’t Trump!

Yep you’ve been busted again!

Vlad???? That’s pretty cozy! :p

Funny! Who was it that said tell Vlad I’ll have more flexibility after the election????

Hint- it wasn’t Trump!

Yep you’ve been busted again!

Vlad???? That’s pretty cozy! :p

That is correct. And now O' Dummy is gone and the Orange Blob will be shortly. Both extremists - not sure which was worse. :cool::cool::cool:

Many observers have known this, but it bears repeating: Donald Trump signed letter of intent for a Trump Tower Moscow project despite Giuliani insisting he didn't.

A newly obtained document shows President Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, despite his attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming on Sunday the document was never signed.
Obama used the IRS to punish his enemies Vag. WGAF?

Obama used the IRS to punish his enemies Vag. WGAF?

Check your references. You responded using my name to a post I did not make. Like I said clearly, they were both extremists, different sides of the coin. Obama's gone and unless a miracle happens soon in the Fake News Stock Market success story, Trump will be gone soon (in 2 years). :cool:

That is correct. And now O' Dummy is gone and the Orange Blob will be shortly. Both extremists - not sure which was worse. :cool::cool::cool:

And who will leadus to the promised land? The Dem phony nut jobs?The Repub weaklings?
We lack true leaders. Trump came closer than most in recent history. Think, seriously think, if all the corruption, lies, and bullshit re: T didn’t happen, where we would/could be.
Barry buried us in corruption, poor foreign relations, Hillary’s protection, terrible economy, race relations set back 50 yrs., etc. HE is at the top of the organization that sank America to new lows. Be real. It’s EXACTLY true.
T, at the least, had the balls to try to drain the swamp....actually an ocean, of public parasites that allows the corporate, special interest, and foreign entities run our country.

I’m done with this board. Too many easily led sheep to the slaughter by the ignorant, stupid, fools here. Scarey and disappointing that so many populate this country. We are truly doomed.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. Let’s hope for a much better new year than the way this year is ending.

And who will leadus to the promised land? The Dem phony nut jobs?The Repub weaklings?
We lack true leaders. Trump came closer than most in recent history. Think, seriously think, if all the corruption, lies, and bullshit re: T didn’t happen, where we would/could be.
Barry buried us in corruption, poor foreign relations, Hillary’s protection, terrible economy, race relations set back 50 yrs., etc. HE is at the top of the organization that sank America to new lows. Be real. It’s EXACTLY true.
T, at the least, had the balls to try to drain the swamp....actually an ocean, of public parasites that allows the corporate, special interest, and foreign entities run our country.

I’m done with this board. Too many easily led sheep to the slaughter by the ignorant, stupid, fools here. Scarey and disappointing that so many populate this country. We are truly doomed.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. Let’s hope for a much better new year than the way this year is ending.

When Trump goaded Mattis into leaving, that was the end - the last straw. Case closed, out he goes.

We now have a real estate investor from NYC who thinks he knows more about National Defense than General Mattis? How amazing! What is he? A genius? :cool:

The Resistance is coming - Dump Trump ;)

We now have a real estate investor from NYC who thinks he knows more about National Defense than General Mattis? How amazing! What is he? A genius? :cool:

The Resistance is coming - Dump Trump ;)

So be it. Who will replace him? Obie pulled the troops out and it was a wonderful thing.
Politics has become more of a circus than governing.....on both sides, though the Dems have gone to the extremes bordering on insanity.
While this continues, the country and WE all suffer.

So be it. Who will replace him? Obie pulled the troops out and it was a wonderful thing.
Politics has become more of a circus than governing.....on both sides, though the Dems have gone to the extremes bordering on insanity.
While this continues, the country and WE all suffer.

And the spoiled rich kid throws another hissy fit. My guess is at this point the GOP itself will get rid of him. His BIGGEST mistake was losing Mattis followed by his fake wall promise followed by his simultaneous repeal and replace ACA. He lost the house and the wheels are coming off his bus. If this keeps up, Dems will take the Senate next and Congress will just rule the country. :cool:

And the spoiled rich kid throws another hissy fit. My guess is at this point the GOP itself will get rid of him. His BIGGEST mistake was losing Mattis followed by his fake wall promise followed by his simultaneous repeal and replace ACA. He lost the house and the wheels are coming off his bus. If this keeps up, Dems will take the Senate next and Congress will just rule the country. :cool:

Lots of things may happen but what you’ve laid out almost certainly won’t happen.

Check your references. You responded using my name to a post I did not make. Like I said clearly, they were both extremists, different sides of the coin. Obama's gone and unless a miracle happens soon in the Fake News Stock Market success story, Trump will be gone soon (in 2 years). :cool:
My bad, sorry about that.