Another one bites the dust


Does anyone know who is even left at HQ?

It must be depressing in Switzerland. I hope whoever is left is okay. It must be difficult for them seeing all their colleagues gone and little future left for the company. Best of luck to all the casualties:)

Why would you "put your entire life into working at Galderma ?" That is so stupid!!!! If you have been asked to leave, don’t look back.
Corporations do not care and senior management cares even less. So enjoy your life and your family while you can and live in the present, because no one at Galderma will remember that you stayed late at work and produced reports or other shit in 20 years, but your kids will remember that mom and dad were never home making them dinner or attending their game or concert!!!!

Best is you don't join Galderma as it's a third league wanna be pharma company with utter trash at its helm.

Ok miles!
We’re good, expansion coming 2021
I work in the US on the aesthetics team. Who is Miles? I’ve been here for 4 years and I’ve never seen, had a call or received a personal email or text from anyone aside from my rsm. Eric and Alisa work part time. He focuses his entire day on the latest gossip and drama.
The culture here is awful. Selfish, useless “leaders”. Nobody cares about the field. Actions speak louder than words. The stage presentations once a year at the NSM are insulting.

I work in the US on the aesthetics team. Who is Miles? I’ve been here for 4 years and I’ve never seen, had a call or received a personal email or text from anyone aside from my rsm. Eric and Alisa work part time. He focuses his entire day on the latest gossip and drama.
The culture here is awful. Selfish, useless “leaders”. Nobody cares about the field. Actions speak louder than words. The stage presentations once a year at the NSM are insulting.
We are front line warriors. Miles doesn’t care about us.

I work in the US on the aesthetics team. Who is Miles? I’ve been here for 4 years and I’ve never seen, had a call or received a personal email or text from anyone aside from my rsm. Eric and Alisa work part time. He focuses his entire day on the latest gossip and drama.
The culture here is awful. Selfish, useless “leaders”. Nobody cares about the field. Actions speak louder than words. The stage presentations once a year at the NSM are insulting.
I only have a few docs who know who Miles actually is. He could not be less engaged in this business. Leadership deficit is a mandatory qualification for execs in this company.

Does anyone know who is even left at HQ?

It must be depressing in Switzerland. I hope whoever is left is okay. It must be difficult for them seeing all their colleagues gone and little future left for the company. Best of luck to all the casualties:)
call me a loser, call this sour grapes, call it whatever. I am affected by this, and I'm sad. I actually liked it here.

Galderma is not a compassionate employer. There is no deception here--if you don't perform well immediately, you are targeted for bestial treatment from management, and then disposed of. No mystery here--that is the way it is. The "feel good", "family" atmosphere of previous years is long dead and buried. Galderma is a cold blooded company, doing poorly, and will exploit everyone to maintain viability. These truths are not shielded from you as manager.

haven't missed this incompetent shithole one day, even though I am still unemployed. People, you need to get your asses out. The place is destroying your professional lives

Stephen Wilson gone! overpaid, complacent, under-performing loser in Swiss HO - collected a fat severance on the way out, with heavy pension - so, some cushion for that hard landing. Good riddance.