Another Novel Breakthrough Merck Med Bites the Dust


So the FDA nixed our breakthrough Zetia/Lipitor Combo pill, huh? Maybe we could add that P.O.S. Zetia to cupcakes or Snickers bars next. As if it were something worth having in the first place....

This company is disgusting.


Talk about how can you screw up a 2 car funeral? How could Merck miss what the FDA needed. This company lives for process vs productivity, yet here we are Januvia issues and FDA now delaying combo Lipitor/Zetia. Geezzz our leadership gets the big bonuses for screw up after screw up and we get hit with a letter in our personal file for a minor "policy" violation. Go fiqure.

Still another example of the quality of those responsible for making the decisions around here. Does anyone here have a clue? Exactly what you get by promoting those who always tell you what u want to hear. It's so bad, we can't even do anything on our own anymore.
We have meetings about meetings and have to hire outside consultants to make the calls. Don't worry...Everything is ok as long as you keep faking the surveys..Keep sticking your head in the sand. Idiots!

Combo therapy between something that is enjoying placebo status until the results of a dragged-out study eventually arrive and someone else's off-patent active ingedient. Small wonder the FDA would give this the giant stall. But wow, think of all that unmet medical need. Perhaps an over the counter combo between zetia and a quarterpounder with cheese is next?

OP - have you lost your mind? Son of Vytorin is neither novel nor breakthrough. Merck is a shadow of its former self at best.

Ummm...... I really don't think the OP was serious about the "novel breakthrough" comment.

Not that you're suggesting otherwise, but I want to underscore that it's perfectly accurate to label Merck as "disgusting". I can think of no company more disgusting than this one. We screw over everyone; the government, the doctors, the patients and, of course, the employees.

Merck is destined for complete failure. It's a shame people had to die in the process. It's karma that it's all disintegrating...

We used to launch new products while doing product extensions like HCTZ combo to Cozaar on the side. Now all we are doing is to dig around and see what we already have and toss them together as new.

Combo therapy between something that is enjoying placebo status until the results of a dragged-out study eventually arrive and someone else's off-patent active ingedient. Small wonder the FDA would give this the giant stall. But wow, think of all that unmet medical need. Perhaps an over the counter combo between zetia and a quarterpounder with cheese is next?

"a dragged out study" is an understatement. we all know there are million of americans on combo therapy with a statin and Zetia. FDA stalled this bc Merck is transparent not transpatient.

come on now. we all need to remember that medicine is for the people and not for the profits. And when we have remembered that the profits have never failed to appear. Nice.

Aren't there previous studies with the individual components? If so, then all we need are bio-identical studies? What is really going on???

Merck is among the FDA's most hated pharma companies ever...and rightfully so. They are going to continue to hurt this company until it ultimately closes its doors.

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