Another MRL Miss


Likely a brilliant scientist, but zero business acuity and poor leadership skills. Will be interesting to see how long his tenure lasts, chosen by Roger not Rob.

Dean Li who is a founder of Recursion was hand picked by Junkyard Joe. Junkyard Joe was rewarded with a seat on the advisory board of Recursion.

One hand washes the other…..

Dean Li who is a founder of Recursion was hand picked by Junkyard Joe. Junkyard Joe was rewarded with a seat on the advisory board of Recursion.

One hand washes the other…..

interesting, that I was not aware of. I noticed that the only speaking Dean got to do at the year beginning town hall meeting was when a question was ask specifically to him. That’s a good thing, every time he speaks it reeks of academic elitism and his message is confusing, direct at small groups within MRL…end up doing damage control after he speaks…

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