Another merck voice survey


Has anyone else gotten the link to fill out the voice survey for merck? In the text portion, I will simply write that senior management should read cafe pharma on a weekly basis. On cafe pharma they will be able to really hear what people at merck are thinking.

Any thought?


Has anyone else gotten the link to fill out the voice survey for merck? In the text portion, I will simply write that senior management should read cafe pharma on a weekly basis. On cafe pharma they will be able to really hear what people at merck are thinking.

Any thought?

Good idea. I can't wait to tear into vaccine management, especially the North Central's DCO on this survey. The vaccine leadership has done nothing but destroy the division with constant reorganizations, pulling experienced reps out of key territories and made the job twice as hard as it used to be with new bureaucratic policies. Anyone who lies on this survey and says things are just fine is a fool. The main reason our division sucks now is reps our telling leadership what they want to hear instead of the truth. Leadership has no clue how things are run in the field because reps lie to save face and we take them on milk runs in the field instead of showing them how customers really deal about reach and frequency. Customers are really starting to hate Merck.

Has anyone else gotten the link to fill out the voice survey for merck? In the text portion, I will simply write that senior management should read cafe pharma on a weekly basis. On cafe pharma they will be able to really hear what people at merck are thinking.

Any thought?

Trust me, they are very aware of this site but just dismiss most of it as a no more than a bitch forum, perpetuated by a small minority of disgruntled employees and does not reflect the moral or mood of the company. Their arrogance and over inflated egos will not let them face the fact that employee engagement, satisfaction and trust in management is at an all time low and not taking it seriously will ultimately rot this company from the inside out. The fact that the Merck site has no rival, in terms of views, relative to all the other companies on Café pharma should be the first clue to these highly paid empty suits that something is amiss at Merck

Remember also if you don't take this survey it will count against the score card. They are all lying when they tell you it won't. It's a ploy to get you to participate in this stupid survey which they don't care about.

Let loose and say what is on your mind! Lying on the survey and pretending you are happy is not the answer.

So what is the answer? Take the time to take review and know with certainty you will never see or hear the results or the written comments. There will never be transpearsncy in this pharmaceutical industry.

So what is the answer? Take the time to take review and know with certainty you will never see or hear the results or the written comments. There will never be transparency in this pharmaceutical industry.

I think they use the scores to rank themselves, that is the reason we are "encouraged" to give them high scores. Hey what if?????

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