Another McKinsey wonk is joining Valeant leadership


Just what we need. Another senior partner from McKinsey joining as an Executive VP. His qualifications? According to the press release he has 12 years leading strategy and improvement STUDIES and innovation and turnaround STRATEGIES for clients. Our friend Pearson endorses him as a trusted colleague who will advocate for a shareholder focused culture.

Basically his credentials are that he comes up with ideas but has never been accountable for them in the long run. God help us all.

Just what we need. Another senior partner from McKinsey joining as an Executive VP. His qualifications? According to the press release he has 12 years leading strategy and improvement STUDIES and innovation and turnaround STRATEGIES for clients. Our friend Pearson endorses him as a trusted colleague who will advocate for a shareholder focused culture.

Basically his credentials are that he comes up with ideas but has never been accountable for them in the long run. God help us all.

Ideas are cut and layoff.

Yolp -we had one of these flunkies show up in St. Louis. Tried to tell us how we could shave 12 minutes out of our production assembly line processes. Let's do the math, pay a consultant tens of thousands of dollars to save $4.89 out of a direct labor operation. Yeah, the net result is still a money losing proposition. Good thing we're paying these fucks how to spend dollars to save pennies.

Yolp -we had one of these flunkies show up in St. Louis. Tried to tell us how we could shave 12 minutes out of our production assembly line processes. Let's do the math, pay a consultant tens of thousands of dollars to save $4.89 out of a direct labor operation. Yeah, the net result is still a money losing proposition. Good thing we're paying these fucks how to spend dollars to save pennies.

That's too bad. Anyone talk to McBride, Goldstein, or Calvert about this? Perhaps if they had, this loser would have been sent back to the east coast with his ass in his hat. They wanna cut some fat, need to hit up California and Rochester. Those are the 2 places where the most least value added overhead is.

Why U hatin' on Rochester man? They're what has kept this company afloat for all these years. All the plants, their Mfg Engineers,and D&R guys have been skating by, barely staying ahead of the curve. Hell, look at McCary, Tom Moore, and all the others @ Surgical - these riders of the "short bus" and their goons have been making false promises and don't know how to do anything else. They can't lauch a CIP, new product line (Laser Posterior System) , or quality improvement on time. Why does B+L lose market share? Because they can't keep up with Alcon and no one holds them accountable. In the meantime, hardworking, dedicated, seasoned, trained professionals lose their jobs because executive levels 3 and 4 layers up don"t comprehend what keeps the industry alive.