Another Manager

My manager was let go this week. This is my 4th manager in less than 3 years. This one was pretty good and I'm sorry to see him go. WTF is going on here?

Did he/she show any signs of being a herm? That's the 1st tell-tale sign of why a DM is let go. PDI recently had a rash of herm DM's apply from BP layoffs. Once a herm, always a herm. That may be the reason your DM was let go?

Well that's a surprise. He had more turn over with his reps because of his management style.
Anyone know what happened. Sheesh, he wasn't here long.

The same can be said of SS in MS. I know reps left PDI because of her. She picks "favorites" that can do no wrong and are left alone and then she picks those that are "not favorites" and makes them miserable. I talked to reps from her last company and she did the same thing there. She is NOT a good manager and this company lost good reps because of her. She should have been let go, too.

The same can be said of SS in MS. I know reps left PDI because of her. She picks "favorites" that can do no wrong and are left alone and then she picks those that are "not favorites" and makes them miserable. I talked to reps from her last company and she did the same thing there. She is NOT a good manager and this company lost good reps because of her. She should have been let go, too.

Would you shut the fuck up already you fired fuck? We get it, she hurt your delicate feelings because you are an incompetent whiner. No one gives a rat's ass.

Would you shut the fuck up already you fired fuck? We get it, she hurt your delicate feelings because you are an incompetent whiner. No one gives a rat's ass.

OUCH...touched a nerve, eh. You come off as needing anger management. Maybe you should seek help.

Well, she never hurt my feelings, however she annoyed me a LOT with her childish managerial practices. I certainly was not fired and I'm guessing people in upper management do give a rat's a**. Lot's of company money is put in to training and getting reps in place and she has had qualified people walk away from PDI because of her. For a specific few she creates a hostile work environment and IMHO she should have been one to be let go. And if you could, please spare me the profanity laced juvenile come back, for it serves no purpose.

I completely understand what you are saying. Those new wave of managers came into PDI with that Big Pharma uber micro management style, and completely stressed everyone out. No wonder so many good reps walked. I was there for years, and had really great managers till this last one. If you are still here with PDI, just try to ride it out if you can. I loved the flex time, and the job itself. But a manager can really make a difference in this job. especially if you have a bully type of a manager as describe.

I completely understand what you are saying. Those new wave of managers came into PDI with that Big Pharma uber micro management style, and completely stressed everyone out. No wonder so many good reps walked. I was there for years, and had really great managers till this last one. If you are still here with PDI, just try to ride it out if you can. I loved the flex time, and the job itself. But a manager can really make a difference in this job. especially if you have a bully type of a manager as describe.

I agree. I enjoyed my job at PDI and did it well. I had experienced a toxic manager before PDI and promised myself then that if I ever got another one, it would be time for me to go and that's just what I did. I refuse to have someone of her type, with her substandard ability and petty behavior to be in charge of my career. I value myself to much to be treated unprofessionally.

Good for you! Be true to yourself. Who are these people? They come in and tell you how the previous management ( I loved my managers up until this last one) ran the company into the ground and this is the new deal. His Philosophy: It was HEAR ME, Fear me, MICRO MICRO and MICRO and shove this big pharma, whipping boy, judgemental attitiude upon us and it' like.....I thought....."I am so done with you". Didn't take me long to figure this out. We are NOT big Pharma, we will NEVER be big pharma, and we are NOT paid to play in the big pharma market, which I might say is about on the average of an $80,000 a year in salary with a car in addition. PERIOD. I take it you are no longer with PDI? Such a shame for PDI to lose good people who enjoy their jobs, are good at it, and have it totally derailed by some self absorbed bully micro manager. I think that these new manager actually quantified their performance by their "bullying tactics" to their superiors. Hey, I gave them a poor performance ride along, and have told them they better check in with me. Heck, we only make 20-30k. Why are we held to the standards of Big pharma???
Moving market share? Pay us like we are big pharma and we will perform, but chill on the manangement. Huge professional turn off and turn over is costly for a company. Just my 2 cents. Prob isn't worth much, but I lived it. Gas is at on the average $4.00 a gallon. Who wants to pay to work for PDI?
A message to PDI, you want good workers, want to retain employees you have trained, and had for years???? motivate your workers, and workers to get the job done that want? Here is a clue. Hire managers that appreciate their workers. Train managers that we are not big pharma, but mostly women who have children and need and want a flex schedule. Appreciate your workers and show appreciation to each person on their team. . Have your managers show their appreciation to their worker in their district.
Have your managers take time to get to know their employees, personally. Your sales people are your eyes and ears out there, NOT the managers. Bullying and discipline is a form of management. These new management people think that being puffy, prickly and strict, and they report that to you that they are justfied in doing their job. WRONG!!! They are not.
One manager I respect is Stephanie L. All of your new managers should be molded with her style. Great balance, motivation and professional!!!

Good for you! Be true to yourself. Who are these people? They come in and tell you how the previous management ( I loved my managers up until this last one) ran the company into the ground and this is the new deal. His Philosophy: It was HEAR ME, Fear me, MICRO MICRO and MICRO and shove this big pharma, whipping boy, judgemental attitiude upon us and it' like.....I thought....."I am so done with you". Didn't take me long to figure this out. We are NOT big Pharma, we will NEVER be big pharma, and we are NOT paid to play in the big pharma market, which I might say is about on the average of an $80,000 a year in salary with a car in addition. PERIOD. I take it you are no longer with PDI? Such a shame for PDI to lose good people who enjoy their jobs, are good at it, and have it totally derailed by some self absorbed bully micro manager. I think that these new manager actually quantified their performance by their "bullying tactics" to their superiors. Hey, I gave them a poor performance ride along, and have told them they better check in with me. Heck, we only make 20-30k. Why are we held to the standards of Big pharma???
Moving market share? Pay us like we are big pharma and we will perform, but chill on the manangement. Huge professional turn off and turn over is costly for a company. Just my 2 cents. Prob isn't worth much, but I lived it. Gas is at on the average $4.00 a gallon. Who wants to pay to work for PDI?
A message to PDI, you want good workers, want to retain employees you have trained, and had for years???? motivate your workers, and workers to get the job done that want? Here is a clue. Hire managers that appreciate their workers. Train managers that we are not big pharma, but mostly women who have children and need and want a flex schedule. Appreciate your workers and show appreciation to each person on their team. . Have your managers show their appreciation to their worker in their district.
Have your managers take time to get to know their employees, personally. Your sales people are your eyes and ears out there, NOT the managers. Bullying and discipline is a form of management. These new management people think that being puffy, prickly and strict, and they report that to you that they are justfied in doing their job. WRONG!!! They are not.
One manager I respect is Stephanie L. All of your new managers should be molded with her style. Great balance, motivation and professional!!!

Amen. My 1st manager was JC out of NY and she was great. I also had JD from the west and she was awesome, too. Yes, I did move on. I am still in sales, but I sell a service now, as well as supervise the day to day workings of our lab. It's full-time :(, but it is flexible. I can say that I walked away from PDI, because I would not allow this manager that conducted herself like a highschool teenager ( or a bad sorority girl ) to have any say what-so-ever in my career. Yes, I know that PDI is more like a job, but I viewed it "big picture" as my career choice. I am sad to feel pushed away from my choice by a bad penny, but the saying goes "when one door closes another one opens" and for me that has been true.

I do wish all my friends still here good luck and good contracts :)