Another loser joins the growing list



Oh, hell, I thought by the title of your thread that this was going to be about One'n Done Obama and the heap of one-term presidents. You know, you're kind of bad about that...throwing up a title of a thread that has little or nothing to do with your op.

John Bolton, who had been shooting off his yap about how he could win the nomination and presidency, just got slapped with reality. No money, no support, and no one wants to hear his drivel.
At least he was smart enough to bail, unlike Bawwkmann, Cain, Newton Leroy, and the real loser, Santorum. Some of these geniuses will realize how futile they are after tonight.

Cain, what the hell is up with him. Doesn't he know it would be a cold day in hell that Judeo republicans would elect him. All he needed to do was to look at all those teabaggers signs. That should have been a clue.:D

Oh, hell, I thought by the title of your thread that this was going to be about One'n Done Obama and the heap of one-term presidents. You know, you're kind of bad about that...throwing up a title of a thread that has little or nothing to do with your op.

My post was about loser Bolton, the fact that you want do bash Obama is totally irrelevant. Bolton, Trump, Palin, Giuliani, Pawlenty. These are the losers from my post. Pay attention, it's free.

U can look up all the racial signs from the teabaggers.
Sorry, I didn't find any. Surely, you made the claim and you can provide documentation to support your claims. That's pretty serious stuff, and surely you wouldn't just be hurling spurious nonsense for the sake of saving face. Nah, you seem to have given up on that a long time ago.

You don't need to go racist on us here.

You seem to have the corner on 'going racist'.

What happened to your thread about ethnic groups and their support for Prersident Obama? My guess is it got pulled as your ruse is up here and most everyone is onto your slanderous posts and threads. You really are pathetic.

Sorry, I didn't find any. Surely, you made the claim and you can provide documentation to support your claims. That's pretty serious stuff, and surely you wouldn't just be hurling spurious nonsense for the sake of saving face. Nah, you seem to have given up on that a long time ago.

Here is one for starters from a teabagger 'rally':

There are plenty more where that came from.

Now, go wipe that egg off your face and try to come better prepared next time, Junior.

Poor BB, they must have left the saltpeter out of his jello tonight as all he can do is post irrelevant links from far right wing sources.

Thats what happens when you are desperate from getting beat down so many times here on this board.

Maybe his friend, ForeDeeDoo, can give BB an online hug.