Another lawsuit?


The lawsuit alleges that 14 drug manufacturers — including Eli Lilly and Co. and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.— withheld from doctors and the FDA reports that showed DES did not prevent miscarriages and raised serious questions about the safety of the drug.

"This drug, DES, was the biggest human experiment of quackery in the history of medicine," said Aaron Levine, a Washington, D.C., lawyer who filed the Boston lawsuit and represents another 18 DES daughters making similar claims.

The drug companies didn't have solid evidence to show that DES did not cause breast cancer. The NEJM article (Dr. Hoover) that came out in...Oct?? 2011 proved a link between DES and breast cancer in women over 40. Apparently DES was given to millions of women and it has affected second and third generation of women, and men. Drug companies, Lilly, Squibb and others are ordered to mediate immediately. This is a horrbile tragedy for these women. DES is being called the Silent Thalidomide. I hope these women collect their millions.

The lawsuit alleges that 14 drug manufacturers — including Eli Lilly and Co. and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.— withheld from doctors and the FDA reports that showed DES did not prevent miscarriages and raised serious questions about the safety of the drug.

"This drug, DES, was the biggest human experiment of quackery in the history of medicine," said Aaron Levine, a Washington, D.C., lawyer who filed the Boston lawsuit and represents another 18 DES daughters making similar claims.

Yeah, quoting the lawyer that brought the suit really, really adds concrete evidence to the case. What do you expect him to say..... "Yeah, I am not sure if we have much of a case, but hell, we don't really even need to win, since we will make a ton of money and keep ourselves busy for a decade until Lilly finally decides to settle just to get rid of this thing. And who knows, we may get really, really lucky and get a jury to decide for us! Then we can all retire!"

Just remember: Anybody can file a lawsuit for any reason. And for really big companies facing a class action, it is easier to settle than to drag it on forever.

Dipshit. You want some hard evidence? I said look at the NEJM. I doubt you know what that is. I will spell it out for the illiterate: New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Hoover, et al. That's what pushed it to the winning side.

Yes, anyone can file a lawsuit, but only a Judge can determine what is BS and what is not. Clearly, Lilly-liver et al tried to obsfucate the facts but was unable to do so.

This drug has caused cancer in women and reproductive issues, you witless idiot. I'd love to see them get a jury trial! Good for PR!! You are already pissing off your clients. Keep it up! I hope to see Lilly livered employees standing on a street corner offering to work for food.

Translation: it's not EASIER to settle because you think you're right. It's easier to settle because it's expensive to go to trial. You know what DES has done over the decades so don't act innocent. Very possibly someone in your family may get breast cancer from this drug.

I see no reason why women should have to endure the expense of surgery and DRUGS and a lifetime of worry so you can have a retirement package. I hope they sue your ass off.

Dipshit. You want some hard evidence? I said look at the NEJM. I doubt you know what that is. I will spell it out for the illiterate: New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Hoover, et al. That's what pushed it to the winning side.

Yes, anyone can file a lawsuit, but only a Judge can determine what is BS and what is not. Clearly, Lilly-liver et al tried to obsfucate the facts but was unable to do so.

This drug has caused cancer in women and reproductive issues, you witless idiot. I'd love to see them get a jury trial! Good for PR!! You are already pissing off your clients. Keep it up! I hope to see Lilly livered employees standing on a street corner offering to work for food.

Translation: it's not EASIER to settle because you think you're right. It's easier to settle because it's expensive to go to trial. You know what DES has done over the decades so don't act innocent. Very possibly someone in your family may get breast cancer from this drug.

I see no reason why women should have to endure the expense of surgery and DRUGS and a lifetime of worry so you can have a retirement package. I hope they sue your ass off.

I, for one, have a wonderful golden parachute, and intend to use it if necessary.

You do your job, I do mine. No matter who wins, I have my millions safe and secure.