Another Lawsuit Employment Retaliation Complain


David Olagunju v. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Employment retaliation complaint stating plaintiff was terminated for refusing to alter safety data from the clinical trials for the drug Tasigna and for objecting to exaggerated reports on the drug. Paid download

David Olagunju v. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Employment retaliation complaint stating plaintiff was terminated for refusing to alter safety data from the clinical trials for the drug Tasigna and for objecting to exaggerated reports on the drug. Paid download

A company with a reputation for doing things like this can be as damaging as what recently happened to those criminals at Purdue...........

David Olagunju v. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Employment retaliation complaint stating plaintiff was terminated for refusing to alter safety data from the clinical trials for the drug Tasigna and for objecting to exaggerated reports on the drug. Paid download

"Refusing to alter safety data?" And just who in the heck does this guy think he is? He thinks the rules regarding the altering of safety don't apply to him?

Good luck David Olagunju. I hope you win, I hope you end up owning the company. There are damn few people left in this industry with integrity.

"Refusing to alter safety data?" And just who in the heck does this guy think he is? He thinks the rules regarding the altering of safety don't apply to him?

Good luck David Olagunju. I hope you win, I hope you end up owning the company. There are damn few people left in this industry with integrity.

I know a person who had a major confrontation with Novartis re retaliation. Even the top dog was involved. Namely your highness Dr. Dan Vasella. He did not win but is now working on a major book that will expose the organised wrongdoing practiced by this and every big pharma co. This is going to be big. Look for the book. If it does not make it into the print this guy is going streight to federal authorities with the "goods". And he has it all.
The Co had all the opportunities to cover this for very small amount as the amounts go in this biz but would not. Hope they will have learned a lesson.
Good luck to this brave man.

I know a person who had a major confrontation with Novartis re retaliation. Even the top dog was involved. Namely your highness Dr. Dan Vasella. He did not win but is now working on a major book that will expose the organised wrongdoing practiced by this and every big pharma co. This is going to be big. Look for the book. If it does not make it into the print this guy is going streight to federal authorities with the "goods". And he has it all.
The Co had all the opportunities to cover this for very small amount as the amounts go in this biz but would not. Hope they will have learned a lesson.
Good luck to this brave man.

Why wouldn't he go to the feds to begin with, especially re: something dealing with the pharmaceutical industry? Seems to me, that he is more concerned about the $$$ rather than public safety!

Why wouldn't he go to the feds to begin with, especially re: something dealing with the pharmaceutical industry? Seems to me, that he is more concerned about the $$$ rather than public safety!

It is a very hard decision. He tried to do the right thing and reported this to the company, only to be pushed aside. He now has to bring this forward.

Let's start a list. If you have been retaliated against because you would not do something you knew was not proper, please sign in with a random code number.



wheh...! next?

random enough???

It is a very hard decision. He tried to do the right thing and reported this to the company, only to be pushed aside. He now has to bring this forward.

Right. This guy did everything to give the Swiss HQ an opportunity to make thigs right and in the process look after him too. He lost lot of $$ as result of blowing the whistle on the local affiliate which was a commbination of Sopranos and Mother Teresa. He presumed that the HQ and the top dog are pristine as they claim in all their codes etc. Maybe they are but they believed the locals, the Soprano side and dismissed our friend as irrelevant in his claim that he was retaliated as the result of his whistleblowing. By the way your top guy issued a letter in Mar of 2003 where he said that anyone who WB the misconduct would be protected from any retaliation. In fact he appealed to all employees worldwide to do this in order to secure honesty and integrity of your Co. Those who handled the case covered up the incident, corrected the misconduct, promoted those who punished the hero and the business as usualy continues in the local affiliate.
If you ever get into similar situation, educate yourself as to how to handle this, get the best lawyers and stand firm. Of course you should have hard evidence as this guy had. if you have this in USA it is gold if in some other countries where they have weak laws to fight big pharma you are out of luck. The big pharma has the uperhand as in this case. Still if done properly you can win. Remember it is not a "sin" to fight those who sin and want to do you harm for trying to do the right thing. You can have it both, compensation for you which you deserve and the public good thing which the public deserves.
Our friend would still give them one last opportunity before he goes ahead with his final two steps.If they "survive" those they are born under a really lucky star. One wonders if they can take that chance. This guy can and is cool with that. Stay tuned.

add me also

To those who did it to this person:
Vi znate ko sam ja. Zovite me i ja cu wam dati sigurnost u svemu. U vasem je interesu da to uradite. U protivnom we gubite mnogo vise. Oni koji su vam dali pogresan savet su krivi za ovo sto se moze desiti uskoro. Vasa organizacija ne zasluzuje los glas.
Me se jos mozemo rastati kao prijatelji. Od vas zavisi. Ja sam spreman da se pogodime.

those who know will get it translated.

To those who did it to this person:
Vi znate ko sam ja. Zovite me i ja cu wam dati sigurnost u svemu. U vasem je interesu da to uradite. U protivnom we gubite mnogo vise. Oni koji su vam dali pogresan savet su krivi za ovo sto se moze desiti uskoro. Vasa organizacija ne zasluzuje los glas.
Me se jos mozemo rastati kao prijatelji. Od vas zavisi. Ja sam spreman da se pogodimo.

those who know will get it translated.

Vodeci novinar:" Obviousy I agree with all the points you make. I would be interested in what you're examining in Big Pharma since I have written pretty extensively on the US industry, although not on ......branch plants."
Imate vrlo malo vremena da resite ovu situaciju i da vise ne mislite o tome. Ja sam i dalje spreman da napravim compromis sa vama i da vise ne mislimo of ovome slucaju.Citajte pazlivo ovaj ceo post i dobicete ideju o celoj slici. Najvise sest meseci do kraja. This is not a joke.

Why wouldn't he go to the feds to begin with, especially re: something dealing with the pharmaceutical industry? Seems to me, that he is more concerned about the $$$ rather than public safety!

The way I see it, this guy wants to give this Co every opportunity to correct what they did to him and than forget about the whole thing. He maybe satisfied that the co cleaned up their act but he is the one who lost and is going forward with options he has left. This company is obviously very powerful due to its size and money but they seem to be forgeting they are not omnipotent. Many powerful companies have gone down as result of our DOJ actions and this one may get the same deal in the end if this guy eventually decides to surender what he has to DOJ.
It looks the company is standing firm and if for no other reason he may do it out of spite or because he would be painted into the corner and there would be no other way out but via the feds.
If I were our people I would talk to this guy and make a deal before it is too late. We still have pretty good standing with the public considering the reputation of others and the business itself. Would hate to see it ruined over some trivial amount and stubborness of some of our people.