ANOTHER $-4.2 Million Loss


Tick, Tick, Tick,... -$4.2

18.6 Left

Did you notice that "COMMISSION" and "UNCOLLECTABLE AR" were a major blame. You don't mention something in your earnings call unless you plan to take action.

Say goodbye to commissions, and say hello to patient bills.

Didn't these guys used to be in Pharma too? Not a single mention of R&D on the Drug Discovery Side.


Tick, Tick, Tick,... -$4.2

18.6 Left

Did you notice that "COMMISSION" and "UNCOLLECTABLE AR" were a major blame. You don't mention something in your earnings call unless you plan to take action.

Say goodbye to commissions, and say hello to patient bills.

Didn't these guys used to be in Pharma too? Not a single mention of R&D on the Drug Discovery Side.

Only 4 of 18.6 is cash-for (2012)- feb/mar/apr quarter: half of 4 in cash is gone! last few bucks of OPM left....time to close doors-suppliers, employees, and the local electric company will not get final bill paid.

Is Bio Ref still looking to buy Enzo? Seems Sonic has interest too.

Sonic owns CBL Path and Sunrise, both within 20 miles of each other. the FTC will NEVER allow them to buy ENZO. In additon all of the reps from CBL and sunrise step all over each other, its a mess, believe me.

Add Enzo to the mix ooohhboooyy!!!