Anonymous Survey, what did Onc/Hosp put down?

Tell the truth about management and see some disappear in the upcoming months. Now's your chance to help get rid of the people who do not know how to manage or lead.

No, not true- my district beat my manager up on one of these surveys, and absolutely nothing was done, oh sorry, i must change that-- the only ones let go were the reps that told the truth! Be careful what you write! They know.

I told the truth. I don't trust upper management. And I am can't get any work done while having to enter my productivity over and over again. Too much paper work. Let us sell!!!

Tell the truth about management and see some disappear in the upcoming months. Now's your chance to help get rid of the people who do not know how to manage or lead.

Now those are the boxes I WANT to take the time to CHECK! Told the cold hard facts on the survey and while it likely will make no difference, it felt great to get it all out there.

No, not true- my district beat my manager up on one of these surveys, and absolutely nothing was done, oh sorry, i must change that-- the only ones let go were the reps that told the truth! Be careful what you write! They know.

I quit at the question about what division you are in after identifying myself as Oncology Sales. So how far do they drill down to identify you? can anyone who actually completed the survey let me know? For the record, on a site I know is anonymous, I work in the Central region and JF is the biggest pompous ass I have every been unfortunate to be associated with. All he seems to do is create mountains of useless reports/spreadsheet to justify his worthless existence. There now writing that someplace makes me feel better.

I remember an anonymous survey a couple of years ago where they actual asked us to identify our largest accounts. HELLO? How fucking stupid are you to think we didn't realize what that question accomplished.

I quit at the question about what division you are in after identifying myself as Oncology Sales. So how far do they drill down to identify you? can anyone who actually completed the survey let me know? For the record, on a site I know is anonymous, I work in the Central region and JF is the biggest pompous ass I have every been unfortunate to be associated with. All he seems to do is create mountains of useless reports/spreadsheet to justify his worthless existence. There now writing that someplace makes me feel better.

I remember an anonymous survey a couple of years ago where they actual asked us to identify our largest accounts. HELLO? How fucking stupid are you to think we didn't realize what that question accomplished.

The survey drills down all the way to your region/department. I agree that it will help to identify us, however, it will also make them aware of how incompetent the leaders of those specific functions really are. It works both ways. I don't give a shit if they know it's me, someone needs to have enough nerve to call these bastards out.

OK first graders- did you ever think that when you log into the survey they capture not only your IP address, but they also use spyware to sweep your computer, so they know exacltly what time and what keys you stroked. Duh.
Anonymous and survey should never be used in the same sentence.

Don't even need to get that technical. The passwords / codewords that allow us to enter the survey are assigned to individual people. Just because I'm stroking the keyboard alone in the bathroom (that doesn't sound right) doesn't mean that it's "anonymous."

I was so honest I could get fired for it. But as long as I've been here, I've been threatened, told constantly to be grateful for the slightest kindness or help from HO, and made to feel like I didn't earn the tiny bonus they eke out of their huge profits. Things have improved since SFE was dismantled and those idiots from Amgen left, but overall, this company needs to change its culture. It's a toxic place to work and I'm lucky enough to have a decent manager who I can only hope doesn't leave for a better opportunity.

Thing about it is, this is all just a viscious cycle. We answer honestly and check all the boxes according to our real feelings. This place could use a little change. So, the Executive level folks at HO have the first look at the final #'s / graphs and say, "What the f@*k?" The Execs immediately meet with the RSM's and ask "What kind of 'dog-and-pony show' are you guys running here?" After 90 mins of berating, the RSM's set up meetings with their DM's and ask them "What the hell are you guys doing out there?" Are you pattern? Can you guess what's coming on your next ride-along? Accountability is a foreign concept to most people.

I was so honest I could get fired for it. But as long as I've been here, I've been threatened, told constantly to be grateful for the slightest kindness or help from HO, and made to feel like I didn't earn the tiny bonus they eke out of their huge profits. Things have improved since SFE was dismantled and those idiots from Amgen left, but overall, this company needs to change its culture. It's a toxic place to work and I'm lucky enough to have a decent manager who I can only hope doesn't leave for a better opportunity.

And how...the SFE was a joke. I am much happier now and my territory is actually performing now. What do you know? The numbers are the same but when it was account based and not zip to territory, I wasn't making any bonus.

I was so honest I could get fired for it. But as long as I've been here, I've been threatened, told constantly to be grateful for the slightest kindness or help from HO, and made to feel like I didn't earn the tiny bonus they eke out of their huge profits. Things have improved since SFE was dismantled and those idiots from Amgen left, but overall, this company needs to change its culture. It's a toxic place to work and I'm lucky enough to have a decent manager who I can only hope doesn't leave for a better opportunity.

Well put! You speak for nearly the entire sales force - no matter what division.

Well put! You speak for nearly the entire sales force - no matter what division.

I was brutally honest. While this doesn't have to be the Eisai of old, it should at least be what they like to claim it is while up on stage. If our honesty on a survey can help uncover some(alot) of the BS that is going on above the rep level, then so be it.

BTW, I couldn't be happier that DM's are actually going to have to get "certified" at this POA!

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