AngioDynamics- Forbes List of Worst Place to Work


It’s official. Absolute worst place to work. All Leadership is absolutely the worst. Culture of intimidation and fear. The compensation is the absolute worst in the industry. CEO brought his comp plan with him and brought about the highest turnover rate of any Med device company in the country. Sales are suffering as a result. Millions off the number.
The culture is the worst of the worst. Miserable place to work. Not one of these frauds could last at a decent organization.
I left this shit hole while I was on top and feel an obligation for the way I was treated ( culture of hire management from the outside) to warn all about how miserable their life will be if they join this organization.

"If you are interested in three quarters or four quarters, we might not be your company to invest in," CEO Jim Clemmer said. "If you are interested in three or four or five years, that's what we are building here."

So basically, reps can live off a base salary with minimal commissions for 3-4 years and maybe Nanoknife (A product that’s been out 10 years already) will magically turn the company around.

This post is spot on. I did my research and interviewed for a position recently. VP hates the sales force and from what I understand, the feeling is mutual. I realized quickly that this place is toxic. Worst of the worst. I moved on quickly and am glad I did.

Great thread. I am a new hire and am looking. Along with 3-4 others. This place is everything that the posters are expressing. Never been with a company with such poor leadership and culture. Since I joined, it’s one thing after another and it keeps getting worse. Comp, VP , GM. All reasons to run. We had one on ones and I was shocked at the narcissism. Being female I notice more females being hired. Strange. Must think we work for less. Lol. Not true and sexist. Which doesn’t surprise me given my interactions with GM and frat boy VP.

Great thread. I am a new hire and am looking. Along with 3-4 others. This place is everything that the posters are expressing. Never been with a company with such poor leadership and culture. Since I joined, it’s one thing after another and it keeps getting worse. Comp, VP , GM. All reasons to run. We had one on ones and I was shocked at the narcissism. Being female I notice more females being hired. Strange. Must think we work for less. Lol. Not true and sexist. Which doesn’t surprise me given my interactions with GM and frat boy VP.

Another female here. Frat boy. Lol. Can’t stop laughing. I’ve had my issues with FB. He’s a narcissist and a pure asshole. Field hates him. Lost the sales force except for a couple corp ass kissers and we all knew who those are. He’s such a loser. Fuck off asshole. I’m glad I’m gone and yes. We are going to Oklahoma ! Fuck head. I’m finally happy and can express myself freely.

Wow! I'm really glad I didn't get the position I interviewed for about 18 months ago. I interviewed with Chad and wasn't terribly impressed. I had heard rumblings about things - warnings that I took to heart. They went with "the other guy" because he had vascular experience, and I didn't. 6 months later - the position and territory I interviewed for were open again. Everything happens for a reason...

It will be interesting to see what our financials will look like once everything settles down. It's not like we have a bunch of cash to sit on while we wait for the hospital business to pick back up again.

Another female here. Frat boy. Lol. Can’t stop laughing. I’ve had my issues with FB. He’s a narcissist and a pure asshole. Field hates him. Lost the sales force except for a couple corp ass kissers and we all knew who those are. He’s such a loser. Fuck off asshole. I’m glad I’m gone and yes. We are going to Oklahoma ! Fuck head. I’m finally happy and can express myself freely.

Hmmmm. I wonder who wrote this about Mr. I’m in over my head Frat boy VP? He’s the biggest douche bag with an insecurity problem. I know who you are. Must be that fucking bitch Carole Baskins.

Chad Reed knows That he is in way over his head and likes to act like he has a real understanding of the Oncology Space but that is the farthest from the truth. It’s sad when the Executive leadership Has No clue how to treat people. The Oncology division has been decimated and lost Over 30 people in the past year. Not sure who to be more disappointed with, Jim Clemmer for allowing BB and his reject crew to leave in droves or the HR Department who sat back and watched and allowed it to happen. Most ridiculous thing is that the HR department interview every Rep and heard the same issues over and over yet did nothing. You get what you deserve. So much more to say but I will leave it at that.

Great thread. I am a new hire and am looking. Along with 3-4 others. This place is everything that the posters are expressing. Never been with a company with such poor leadership and culture. Since I joined, it’s one thing after another and it keeps getting worse. Comp, VP , GM. All reasons to run. We had one on ones and I was shocked at the narcissism. Being female I notice more females being hired. Strange. Must think we work for less. Lol. Not true and sexist. Which doesn’t surprise me given my interactions with GM and frat boy VP.


The coming days will reveal much about the future. This an ominous warning to all sales personnel. If you are not looking, start. If you don’t have your resume updated, update it. The words of a couple in leadership of “healthy” “viable” will turn to ashes in their mouths.
You have been warned.

This is a tale as old as time with AngioD. I was with the company for a number of years. Lucky to have been able to have a pretty good deal of success and make some decent coin. But leadership was constantly trying to screw the field. And talent, great talent was just bleeding out of that place constantly. Sounds like it’s only gotten worse in the years since I’ve left.

The worst part is that the company has had some objectively great technologies and just squandered opportunities to capitalize on them and really make an impact in the market because there is zero bandwidth at corporate. Reps were doing the same song and dance with customers making promises that leadership couldn’t come through on.

But I will give AD credit for hiring some pretty great RM’s. At least from my experience. Those guys and girls were taking beatings from above and below and kept on ticking. At least the folks I was reporting too.

Terrible interview!! They kept asking "So what have you learned about us?" on multiple interviews (within 2 days) only to hear them remark later in the conversation that they've lost track on who they've spoken with. So they simply fell back to that!

Thought it was a rather lazy and unorganized way to seek new talent and in the end, this was an EASY PASS! If you can't keep track of your own process, how will you be able to help me in the field?! Good luck to the person that covers this region as you're definitely going to need it!!

Interviewed for a position a while ago. Most drawn out bullshit process (for a 180k/yr job). Then came final interview with JM who informed me the guy I’d been interviewing with the past 4 was took a new position and was out of the process. So glad I didn’t take the roll. Could tell a ton about the company just from the interview process. Nightmare.