Andrew Baker article on LabCorp scam

Read it over at The Pathology Blawg this AM.

Also bags on Quest. Short but compelling article.

I'm no rocket scientist, but here's something I didn't get about this article. Baker says Labcorp and Quest are giving private insurance great pricing breaks for their business and recouping the loss by charging Medicare and Medicaid more. I thought Medicare and Medicaid paid a set amount for a procedure, period. I don't think it would matter what they are charged. This guy Baker sounds like a professional whistleblower. Don't get me wrong, I am all for whistleblowing, but he sounds like he got a stake in it. Doesn't sound like he is a pure as the driven snow himself.

I'm no rocket scientist, but here's something I didn't get about this article. Baker says Labcorp and Quest are giving private insurance great pricing breaks for their business and recouping the loss by charging Medicare and Medicaid more. I thought Medicare and Medicaid paid a set amount for a procedure, period. I don't think it would matter what they are charged. This guy Baker sounds like a professional whistleblower. Don't get me wrong, I am all for whistleblowing, but he sounds like he got a stake in it. Doesn't sound like he is a pure as the driven snow himself.

I think you are right. He has found a new revenue stream and is going to milk it for everything he can. He was responsible for the Medicare fraud his company perpetrated and then after Quest buys his company and pays him millions he turns in Quest for the misdeeds of his company. What a sack of dreck!