And we won't even get a reach-around...


Fellow Primary Care Novartians- we are all about to get screwed. Those of us in Gen Meds who chose to stay after the 2012 debacle and believed all of the BS about organic and inorganic growth are about to get screwed because of our loyalty and trust. It adds insult to injury when the talking head delivering the bad news can't even speak english. No wonder the guy couldn't find a licensing or co-promotion deal. What a joke our "senior leadership" team turned out to be. All they could come up with is a bunch of worn out buzz words and a "culture" that turned out to be complete bullshit. The only culture "pillar" left now is a giant phallic symbol. We are all going to be "cultured" by this pillar. I'm not sure who will get screwed worse -those who are "mapped" or those who are cut loose. I actually think in our Novartis lexicon, "Mapped" really means "Fucked". And we won't even get a reach-around....


Very true. Nikos spent ample time at the September manager's meeting assuring us of the bright future of PC. He was probably well into the planning phase of this layoff as he showed us the growth slides. What a douche.