And we wonder why there's a question?


Had Sec. Clinton used the wrong toilet paper she would have been investigated for years.

Actually the truth is just the opposite. She has received preferential treatment that has resulted in her not being properly investigated. She should have been tried and convicted, but her political allies see to it that she isn't.

Actually the truth is just the opposite. She has received preferential treatment that has resulted in her not being properly investigated. She should have been tried and convicted, but her political allies see to it that she isn't.

Says the troll who voted for the guy who ripped off thousands of Americans with his 'fake university'. That must be how he came up with the term 'fake news'. He should be in jail but his money sees to it that he isn't.

Says the troll who voted for the guy who ripped off thousands of Americans with his 'fake university'. That must be how he came up with the term 'fake news'. He should be in jail but his money sees to it that he isn't.

I'm no troll, but it's apparent that you are a sore loser.

Proudly voted for Trump to save us from the disaster that is Hillary Clinton! :D

Yet when he f*cks up, it's 'The Emporer's New Clothes' for you!

Libtard, we recognize that you inherently cannot and will not accept what America decided in November, just like the other half would have committed mass suicide if Hillary was elected... so let's agree to disagree.
The unfortunate thing for all Americans now is that both 'establishment' parties, and their entrenched members in congress....are actively working against the elected POTUS. Healthcare needs to be fixed, not more kicking of the can down the road, but the GOP who voted 40+ times to repeal lost their nuts(or never had any to begin with); the Senate GOP white hairs, led by bumbling Mitch - can't keep up with which way the wind is blowing, so they're gonna do nothing. Immigration reform, if you actually look what Trump wants to do beyond the wall.... is a workable thing with a majority of congress....but a majority of Senators refuse to recognize the desire of the majority that voted this president into office.
Finally, no Dems, No Repubs, no one beyond Rand Paul and a few others .... are willing to cut the budget, much less make a meaningful attempt to decrease the deficit.

Bottom line - Trump is in office, Republicans behave like a bunch of castrated bulls, and the headlines will drive on continued rumors of Russia/collusion/Russia. Enjoy the ride to 2020.

Libtard, we recognize that you inherently cannot and will not accept what America decided in November, just like the other half would have committed mass suicide if Hillary was elected... so let's agree to disagree.
The unfortunate thing for all Americans now is that both 'establishment' parties, and their entrenched members in congress....are actively working against the elected POTUS. Healthcare needs to be fixed, not more kicking of the can down the road, but the GOP who voted 40+ times to repeal lost their nuts(or never had any to begin with); the Senate GOP white hairs, led by bumbling Mitch - can't keep up with which way the wind is blowing, so they're gonna do nothing. Immigration reform, if you actually look what Trump wants to do beyond the wall.... is a workable thing with a majority of congress....but a majority of Senators refuse to recognize the desire of the majority that voted this president into office.
Finally, no Dems, No Repubs, no one beyond Rand Paul and a few others .... are willing to cut the budget, much less make a meaningful attempt to decrease the deficit.

Bottom line - Trump is in office, Republicans behave like a bunch of castrated bulls, and the headlines will drive on continued rumors of Russia/collusion/Russia. Enjoy the ride to 2020.

Thank you for being honest enough to blame BOTH parties, unlike Sparky. I saw an interesting plan on FB today posted by an old buddy, Trump supporter in Florida. I will post tomorrow.

All Star Home Run Derby right now.........

Had Sec. Clinton used the wrong toilet paper she would have been investigated for years.

It's definitely not because she used the wrong toilet paper. Her investigations are just beginning. She will wish it was for toilet paper. Wanna bet Podesta will get the "Arkansas Flu?" Funny how that flu randomly "pops up." Perhaps it's because Sec. Clinton uses the wrong toilet paper?

No, not at all. You're just a lying whiner.

Change the 'h' to an 'e' and you've described yourself. :cool:
It's definitely not because she used the wrong toilet paper. Her investigations are just beginning. She will wish it was for toilet paper. Wanna bet Podesta will get the "Arkansas Flu?" Funny how that flu randomly "pops up." Perhaps it's because Sec. Clinton uses the wrong toilet paper?

In your dreams.......... The GOP HAS to have what is recognized as a 2nd party otherwise? Dictatorship perception@ :rolleyes:

No, I was right the first time. You are just a lying whiner! :rolleyes:

This just gets better all the time :rolleyes:

New details emerge on Moscow real estate deal that led to the Trump-Kremlin alliance


Donald Trump, Aras Agalarov and Rob Goldstone. (Photos: Sean Gallup/Getty Images; Sergei SavostyanovTASS via Getty Images; Adriel Reboh/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)
While in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in November 2013, Donald Trump entered into a formal business deal with Aras Agalarov, a Russian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin, to construct a Trump Tower in the Russian capital. He later assigned his son, Donald Trump Jr., to oversee the project, according to Rob Goldstone, the British publicist who arranged the controversial 2016 meeting between the younger Trump and a Kremlin-linked lawyer.

Trump has dismissed the idea he had any business deals in Russia, saying at one point last October, “I have nothing to do with Russia.”

This just gets better all the time :rolleyes:

New details emerge on Moscow real estate deal that led to the Trump-Kremlin alliance


Donald Trump, Aras Agalarov and Rob Goldstone. (Photos: Sean Gallup/Getty Images; Sergei SavostyanovTASS via Getty Images; Adriel Reboh/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)
While in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in November 2013, Donald Trump entered into a formal business deal with Aras Agalarov, a Russian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin, to construct a Trump Tower in the Russian capital. He later assigned his son, Donald Trump Jr., to oversee the project, according to Rob Goldstone, the British publicist who arranged the controversial 2016 meeting between the younger Trump and a Kremlin-linked lawyer.

Trump has dismissed the idea he had any business deals in Russia, saying at one point last October, “I have nothing to do with Russia.”

Really? This is the best you have? LOL!

I cannot wait until one of these leakers is caught and paraded in from of the media - then, if this is an Obama holdover or som other career lib politico employee...we will see how the press marginalizes this, and buries it on page 20 !!

When it comes to Russia, for sure, Donald Trump and his son can't get their stories straight.

On Saturday, Donald Trump Jr. said that a 2016 meeting between himself and a Russian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin was primarily about "adoptions." That came in response to a New York Times piece detailing the meeting between Trump, then campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. This, of course, prompted Trump to claim the NY Times was 'failing'.

Then on Sunday, when the Times reported a second piece alleging that Trump Jr. had met with Veselnitskaya after receiving a promise that she possessed "damaging information" about Hillary Clinton, he changed his story.

"After pleasantries were exchanged, the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton," Trump Jr. said in a statement. "Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information."

Then there was this odd reversal from the President himself on another matter involving Russia. On Sunday at 7:50 a.m., President Trump tweeted: "Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded."

On Sunday at 8:45 p.m., President Trump tweeted: "The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't-but a ceasefire can,& did!"

So. That's a lot to process.