you figure it out. And soon it will be the two become one.
you figure it out. And soon it will be the two become one.
Hmmm, perhaps it could read ‘and soon three or four will become one, two or none’. Figure out that one too.
Are you talking about acne, Pdt, and taro?
Probably should be two sales forces and both sales forces should be selling Ilumya. Acne focus and psoriasis focus. Taro is worthless at this point. Topical steroids are commodities and the brand mystique game is over. Ilumya current sales force is a lot of bluster. Egos are bigger than sales numbers. Time to start firing some of the bravado makers and get down to a patient service oriented team. Don't know what to say about DUSA. Probably can be handled with the telephone or small specialty force calling on known customers.
Check, check, check, check, check - pretty much nailed it.
So, that’d probably we need half the sales force we have now. 2019 will not end without a major downsize.