And Inform (Miraca) PHX bites the dust

I was traveling for xmas and bumped in to a current Mis-INFORMed employee. They told me BM, MB and KS ( yes KS the worst SD ever, hit quota once, yes once, not a typo once, yes one more time just once) are actually important and try to lead the sales team. They then went on to tell me this shit show hired an outside company to train them on sales!! Wait what?? Have you ever heard of this? And they wonder why they lose cases and clients. The blind leading the blind. What an absolute joke. Fire them all and bring in proven leadership. An outside company to train your sales force?? Holy crap is this company lost.

Serious question: Can someone tell me what value BM brings to the table? She is useless! I cant stand working for her brown nosing unproven ass. Hopefully now that mooney is gone her protection is gone. She is a horrible leader and human being.