If you don't like it then get the F#%< out you a$$hole.
I like it so I'm staying, No, actually stay, soviet know how weak my competition is. This is a job you loser, it's not rocket science.
Now buck up you little pussy, you are such a pain in the ass. I've had hemmerhoids with more personality than you. Better looking also. If I was you I would probably ask my mom why she didn't swallow that load so you would never have existed.
You are clearly a fake, you take the paycheck and smile to your DM and RD, you are only hurting one person my friend, yourself. I mean, what kind of life do you have, moaning on the silly blog, that's what you gets you off? You sound like you need a kick in the butt and a slap in the face and a dose of reality.
Please send a perfect reply to this message, a great one. Use all your pussy wit to find a mistake in my typing (yeah, you go genius) or say something amazing like "you are mean, and I cried while wearing my underwear on my head" oh sorry, that was what you did on Friday night when you got hone from the meeting.
You damn idiot.
Why did you get hired ? Was it your charm or your ability to communicate shit on this site. You have shit breath and I'm sick of hearing your shit. Can you go away. Please, just go away and don't reply to this.
Let's do this, if you don't reply then you have won, you win. You are the bigger person and I am wrong. But oh no, you'll reply in loser like fashion and admit your shortcomings for all of us the laugh at. Again.
I think I saw you last week, looking at the stickers on the ground, you tool. That's your beef, I mean that's it? Some Fu%€ing stickers and logos and your panties are in a twist! Well holy shit weve got a real live one on our hands tonight people, a real gem of a human being.
What is your problem now honey? You eat to much free lunch, the coffee fairy doesn't buy you coffer from Starbucks on the weekends ? Your company car too expensive for you ? Oh my god, what a scum sucking little person. You should pay forest for putting up with your shit, have your ever been successful at anything apart from being an idiot? I'm sure you have, I can tell it's part if your reply isn't it you successful logo watcher.
What else can you say or complain about? Surprise us, the only surprise will be that you are still here. That's why you hate yourself right, you look at logos and you want to leave but you just complain and stay. Or maybe you leave and just complain on here, wake up idiot. H
Get a life.
Now get out of here and go back to looking for logos on the ground and on the ceiling.
Damn fool.