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An open letter to David Epstein


Dear David,
Well, what a fine mess you've gotten us into. Are you proud of the way Oncology is sitting today? Having worked under your leadership, I had higher hopes of your direction and guideance. Many of us were happy (and proud) for you when you were promoted or "chosen" to steer the larger ship, but this division has turned into a mess. We used to be family, now we are numbers, a creation of ZS. Maybe you have forgotten where you came from and who has taken you to the dance?

You have let this division grow beyond it's need. You seemed to have lost touch with the business of Oncology. We warned and warned you of the impending issues in the field. Either your "yes men" haven't filled you in over the last few years, or you have chosen to ignore their message. We knew that adding more and more field sales people was a big mistake. I ask you how many times did you ask us to reach a goal and then a stretch goal, and we delivered. Not just once but many times over. You should have trusted us to go the job we were hired to do.

Do you realize the fear mongering that is ruling peoples professional lives today? We noticed who has jumped ship at an alarming rate, upper management who have seen the writing on the wall. Now, where in the world did you come up with the people who are leading our sales force today? There is no sense that the two you have running Oncology have the experience to get the job done, unless they were hired to be the hatchet. A job you wouldn't or couldn't do? Are they truly invested in the future of Novartis like we are? The unprofessionalism in front of our key customers is embarassing. I doubt they last 2 years. At least the Hem leaders have shown knowledge and professionalism.

We don't get the opportunity to see you much anymore, but I felt the need to at least let you know the disappointment we see in a division we helped you build. Please, I beg you, to take a closer look at the what is going on before you lose more talented, dedicated and loyal people.

It's time for you take control of the ship and get us back on track. Don't think that we aren't able to adapt or change. We can and do, we just need competent and believable leaders.



This might as well be written to Ludwig Hantsen. David is long gone and has nothing to do with this. He is the ghost of Xmas past. This was all done by consultants at McKinsey. They looked at us and realized there was way too much dead weight and bad ROI to keep all these bodies employed. There is more of this to come.


I feel compelled to add to this string of thought. You, and the others in Senior management have facilitated the decline of Novartis Oncology into mediocrity. Where we were once benchmarked (compensation, benefits, etc.) at the 75th percentile you engineered our declined to 50th. In other words you assured that half of our competitors were better off than we.

Then, because others were doing so, you followed (or directed) ZS associates recommendations to create the bloated sales force that is now about to be severed. In turn you showed total lack of respect and consideration for the people that effected the stellar growth seen in the early days of Novartis Oncology; the Sales representatives, the Medical Professional customers (does anyone really have time for 7 reps, 3 managers, NEs, MSLs, BRMs, RAMs, KAMs and HOSOBs) and ultimately the patients from whom you stole time with their HCPs. This promotional overload led to the cleavage and catering situation for customer access.

You personally were able to scurry off before the axe fell now leaving dozens to suffer who knows what fate in a very poor job market. you must surely be very proud of your achievement.

Onc. G.

This might as well be written to Ludwig Hantsen. David is long gone and has nothing to do with this. He is the ghost of Xmas past. This was all done by consultants at McKinsey. They looked at us and realized there was way too much dead weight and bad ROI to keep all these bodies employed. There is more of this to come.

We realize that Oncology was too heavy. We told our Managers how much of a mistake it was to continue to hire more and more reps, Kams, MSL's,on and on and on. What thriving, busy practice truly has time for all the Novartis people stepping over one another to see the Docs, Practice Mgrs, etc? We fight for face time amongst our own.

Who are the McKinsey consultants? And yes, David is long gone, but he set this whole thing in motion by hiring execs that want to see increasing head count under there name to make them look more important and irreplaceable.

We realize that Oncology was too heavy. We told our Managers how much of a mistake it was to continue to hire more and more reps, Kams, MSL's,on and on and on. What thriving, busy practice truly has time for all the Novartis people stepping over one another to see the Docs, Practice Mgrs, etc? We fight for face time amongst our own.

Who are the McKinsey consultants? And yes, David is long gone, but he set this whole thing in motion by hiring execs that want to see increasing head count under there name to make them look more important and irreplaceable.

Hiring people for different roles that address market changes is the right thing to do. MSLs, KAMs, payer and reimbursement teams are the need today. Hiring more representatives who have declining value in the market was wrong. I am sorry to see anyone lose their job in this market and some very good people were let go but if you are on the sales side, you knew this was overdue. You also know the adjustment was relatively small and more needs to be done.

We realize that Oncology was too heavy. We told our Managers how much of a mistake it was to continue to hire more and more reps, Kams, MSL's,on and on and on. What thriving, busy practice truly has time for all the Novartis people stepping over one another to see the Docs, Practice Mgrs, etc? We fight for face time amongst our own.

Who are the McKinsey consultants? And yes, David is long gone, but he set this whole thing in motion by hiring execs that want to see increasing head count under there name to make them look more important and irreplaceable.

McKinse & Company
Prescription Pharmaceuticals

We advise clients on opportunities in licensing and alliances, portfolio management, and existing and emerging therapeutic areas and technologies. Because R&D pipelines and the search for the next blockbuster are essential to continued strong performance, we help clients develop sound R&D strategies. We also address issues such as salesforce management, direct-to-consumer advertising, global product launches, and life cycle management as patents expire.

Thanks for that update, I wasn't familiar with them. Maybe I should submit my resume to them, since working for Christy and Kelli is like finger painting...nice colors, no substance!!
(runs in the rain, too!)

Hiring people for different roles that address market changes is the right thing to do. MSLs, KAMs, payer and reimbursement teams are the need today. Hiring more representatives who have declining value in the market was wrong. I am sorry to see anyone lose their job in this market and some very good people were let go but if you are on the sales side, you knew this was overdue. You also know the adjustment was relatively small and more needs to be done.

Relatively small??! You obviously were'nt one of the "small #s". Luckily, neither was I.

You obviously aren't proud enough to admit what you do in the OBU, but let me say that I'd like to know the last time you were able to quantify the $$ you bring to the table. HUH? MSL's--There isn't a rep out there that couldn't handle your jobs- we give you the leads anyway because you're too busy looking up stuff in your office or working some worthless convention. "Now who's that new guy thats doing the breast clinic at University X?" Who's running the GI clinic, can you spell that?? Hell, you can look it up on line, if you tear yourself away from Matt Lauer in the AM!!

KAM's??? Are you serious? You can't get out of your office either because you're too busy generating worthless spreadsheets that document the work the sales people are doing that you want to take credit for. You can't even make it to the LPP customers, or Mcare payor meetings. We have to feed you information that you should already know, like, Mcare is reimbursing for X as a biologic---Yes, really they are!! No you KAM didn't know it, because you don't get out of your office.

Lastly, there is no doubt that we were heavy in the field. We, the sales force, told upper management that numerous times during ride alongs, Business Unit visits etc. No one listened. We agree that the model was outdated and poorly managed, but don't give yourself all the credit. If nothing leaves the warehouse, you and I don't put food on our table. Now, GO TO WORK!!

Since this is for DE, one question, What did you do with all the money you got from cashing in all that stock? I agree with OP, you have trashed this division. Maybe you should go to work in the local Walgreens as a line pharmacist would give you a little perspective.

You could have been kind enough to offer early retirement to those close enough to take it, and you wouldn't have to lay as many off. You are turning into a big disappointment to those of us who know you and used to work with you.

This is no longer a career, its like working in a a factory. I'll give you my 8, but nothing else.

Hiring people for different roles that address market changes is the right thing to do. MSLs, KAMs, payer and reimbursement teams are the need today. Hiring more representatives who have declining value in the market was wrong. I am sorry to see anyone lose their job in this market and some very good people were let go but if you are on the sales side, you knew this was overdue. You also know the adjustment was relatively small and more needs to be done.

Only partially correct. Those positions are needed but they need to be empowered to do what the market requires. The resp could have done any of the things that KAM's and Reimb did. As they were designed they just added another layer of people that added NO vlue to the customer. Also those positions could have been filled internally instead of outside or through contracted forces. Just like adding an entire division to sell Afinitor. I hope you all understand now that you are nothing more than a headcount to corporate. EVERYONE saw this coming and yet corporate kept going knowing that they could just cut the fat (you).

David- why don't you come to our sept meetings and give us a rah-rah talk about how this is the place to be like you did before? Tell me how wanted I am to work a piece of shit territory that makes no sense and how they can't pull the carve out accounts out of myterritory! You don't call on the account but you're responsible for the sales? Wow that's just great! Im motivated to get out there!

or how that I am responsible for sales in an account or area that is no longer to be called on as of today due to realignment?
Also, there should be no 1 ratings for all this crap!

Look at what is going on in Tennessee. KP & CM <-------- you know who they are. The good ole boys club is taken over and it is not a good thing. An orgainization never profits with nepotism.

KP is definately old guard Sandoz mentality. He has always been that way. Some things never change. I could lump a few others in there too. Sorry to hear he still hasn't changed his ego driven ways. Good luck to those who work for him

Only partially correct. Those positions are needed but they need to be empowered to do what the market requires. The resp could have done any of the things that KAM's and Reimb did. As they were designed they just added another layer of people that added NO vlue to the customer. Also those positions could have been filled internally instead of outside or through contracted forces. Just like adding an entire division to sell Afinitor. I hope you all understand now that you are nothing more than a headcount to corporate. EVERYONE saw this coming and yet corporate kept going knowing that they could just cut the fat (you).

No, you are wrong. The sales rep cannot do what KAMs and RRMs do because of legal constraints. Add in the ridiculous lawsuits requiring reps to be paid as hourly workers and the rep job becomes even more limited. Other roles are being created to fill in what reps cannot do. The rep value will continue to decline and you shoud look at other roles if you expect to survive or offer value to your customers. You're like the steelworkers of old. Figure it out.