An oldie, but a goodie!


Pacira’s Corporate Espionage- How could the SEC Fall for Pacira’s Consultants claims?
In the winter 2016, the flood of Pacira sales resumes into PixarBio was thought to be a direct result of Pacira’s slow sales of Exparel. Their Global sales leader told me “we have 95% brand recognition yet single digit sales growth, the product is not being accepted by the market”
Year over year sales of Exparel were dropping dramatically, even though they were the only non-opiate drug FDA approved for post-surgical pain during a “war on opiates”. Pacira’s Exparel sales were dropping as the direct result of a product called Exparel that was not removing opiates from the post-surgical pain mgmt. cycle. With a median time to first opiate intake after surgery at just 15 hours. The
Pacira salesforce was giving up on Exparel, even though Exparel is the only non-opiate drug that is FDA
approved for post-surgical pain Pacira Targets PixarBio
Pacira’s Sales employees pursued PixarBio aggressively. In a short period of time we hired former Pacira Sales person Glenn Reiser and Taunia Markvicka. On Taunia’s third day with PixarBio, she revealed she had a contract that paid her over $1,000,000 in 2016 to write reports on PixarBio for Pacira Pharmaceutical, while she worked at PixarBio. She told us this after a 3 hour science review of
NeuroRelease. Taunia completed her science transfer meetings and drove home to Pacira on her third
day of working at PixarBio. A pure theft of corporate knowledge. The unusual encounter with the Taunia, led PixarBio filed charges in NJ against Taunia Markvicka in
spring 2016. Former Pacira sales person David Kaplan then called PixarBio complaining he had no equity in Pacira and if we gave him equity in PixarBio he would work for PixarBio. Shortly after David Kaplan joined PixarBio
he began calling loyal PixarBio employees suggesting they quit PixarBio. David Kaplan then brought on Dr Moed Azzam who worked as an advisor at Pacira and Moed was the caller who made baseless claims to the SEC. Moed Azaam was clueless about PixarBio’s team, business, and operations as he attended two short meetings during his time working for PixarBio

The Four Former Pacira Staff that undermined PixarBio for Pacira are:
1. Moed Azzam- Attended two short PXRB meetings as a PixarBio advisor. Signed as The #1 Plaintiff in the NJ Class Action. Moed Azzam does not legally qualified to be the lead plaintiff
2. David Kaplan- David lied about relationship with Pacira, David is a real fraud who lied almost every time his lips were moving
3. Taunia Markvicka- A failed sales manager at Pacira Taunia lied about successfully rolling out Exparel, when in fact she was fired for failing to successfully roll out Exparel. Taunia came to work for PixarBio lying about still being under contract for Pacira
4. Glenn Reiser – Glenn claimed to be Pacira US Sales manager during interviews, but background checks found he was local sales rep for Pacira. Glenn had Pacira people lie to confirm his fake background. Glenn brought the rest of the Pacira team to PixarBio. LIAR

I’ve met a lot of people once.
GR was useless in his IDN role at Pacira. Rarely left the NE. He lied to PixarBio about his position & responsibilities at Pacira and was hired. He then authored numerous fact-free announcements regarding Pacira and EXPAREL. After his inner-office relationship and lack of industry influence he was fired by Frank Reynolds, which is quite an achievement considering his track record of deceit and misrepresentation. Reynolds was convicted of defrauding investors and sentenced to seven years in prison. Glenn and Frank, two birds of a feather. Back to GR, he was out of work for over a year then begged to return to Pacira, the same company he left, them trashed while at PixarBio. This re-hire was vigorously opposed by many in Parsippany, including DS. Finally after assurances, “he was a changed man” and with the support of Mike R & Dennis M, he was re-hired. He did nothing as an RD. Nothing. Tom S saw through GR, PM, & DM. This triumvirate then planned and executed a behind the scenes coup. PM & GR making a stealth visit to DS’s home to say Tom S was ineffective and lacked market knowledge. Tom was fired, Pete became VP of Sales, GR the East area AD, and DM the lead in the highly unsuccessful DPS alliance. And, as they say, the rest is history.
That answer your question?

Pacira’s Corporate Espionage- How could the SEC Fall for Pacira’s Consultants claims?
In the winter 2016, the flood of Pacira sales resumes into PixarBio was thought to be a direct result of Pacira’s slow sales of Exparel. Their Global sales leader told me “we have 95% brand recognition yet single digit sales growth, the product is not being accepted by the market”
Year over year sales of Exparel were dropping dramatically, even though they were the only non-opiate drug FDA approved for post-surgical pain during a “war on opiates”. Pacira’s Exparel sales were dropping as the direct result of a product called Exparel that was not removing opiates from the post-surgical pain mgmt. cycle. With a median time to first opiate intake after surgery at just 15 hours. The
Pacira salesforce was giving up on Exparel, even though Exparel is the only non-opiate drug that is FDA
approved for post-surgical pain Pacira Targets PixarBio
Pacira’s Sales employees pursued PixarBio aggressively. In a short period of time we hired former Pacira Sales person Glenn Reiser and Taunia Markvicka. On Taunia’s third day with PixarBio, she revealed she had a contract that paid her over $1,000,000 in 2016 to write reports on PixarBio for Pacira Pharmaceutical, while she worked at PixarBio. She told us this after a 3 hour science review of
NeuroRelease. Taunia completed her science transfer meetings and drove home to Pacira on her third
day of working at PixarBio. A pure theft of corporate knowledge. The unusual encounter with the Taunia, led PixarBio filed charges in NJ against Taunia Markvicka in
spring 2016. Former Pacira sales person David Kaplan then called PixarBio complaining he had no equity in Pacira and if we gave him equity in PixarBio he would work for PixarBio. Shortly after David Kaplan joined PixarBio
he began calling loyal PixarBio employees suggesting they quit PixarBio. David Kaplan then brought on Dr Moed Azzam who worked as an advisor at Pacira and Moed was the caller who made baseless claims to the SEC. Moed Azaam was clueless about PixarBio’s team, business, and operations as he attended two short meetings during his time working for PixarBio

The Four Former Pacira Staff that undermined PixarBio for Pacira are:
1. Moed Azzam- Attended two short PXRB meetings as a PixarBio advisor. Signed as The #1 Plaintiff in the NJ Class Action. Moed Azzam does not legally qualified to be the lead plaintiff
2. David Kaplan- David lied about relationship with Pacira, David is a real fraud who lied almost every time his lips were moving
3. Taunia Markvicka- A failed sales manager at Pacira Taunia lied about successfully rolling out Exparel, when in fact she was fired for failing to successfully roll out Exparel. Taunia came to work for PixarBio lying about still being under contract for Pacira
4. Glenn Reiser – Glenn claimed to be Pacira US Sales manager during interviews, but background checks found he was local sales rep for Pacira. Glenn had Pacira people lie to confirm his fake background. Glenn brought the rest of the Pacira team to PixarBio. LIAR

This is perhaps one of the best posts I have read, an excellent recap! When you review the history of the "upper management" there is a long list of HR violations and questionable business dealings. Look at how much pacia has paid out in making people go away due to whistleblowing-

Frank Reynolds, convicted felon, sure knows how to pick leaders. How did Pacira ever let this guy back in the door. He was an abject failure as a IDN rep. Some things never change.

Pacira’s Corporate Espionage- How could the SEC Fall for Pacira’s Consultants claims?
In the winter 2016, the flood of Pacira sales resumes into PixarBio was thought to be a direct result of Pacira’s slow sales of Exparel. Their Global sales leader told me “we have 95% brand recognition yet single digit sales growth, the product is not being accepted by the market”
Year over year sales of Exparel were dropping dramatically, even though they were the only non-opiate drug FDA approved for post-surgical pain during a “war on opiates”. Pacira’s Exparel sales were dropping as the direct result of a product called Exparel that was not removing opiates from the post-surgical pain mgmt. cycle. With a median time to first opiate intake after surgery at just 15 hours. The
Pacira salesforce was giving up on Exparel, even though Exparel is the only non-opiate drug that is FDA
approved for post-surgical pain Pacira Targets PixarBio
Pacira’s Sales employees pursued PixarBio aggressively. In a short period of time we hired former Pacira Sales person Glenn Reiser and Taunia Markvicka. On Taunia’s third day with PixarBio, she revealed she had a contract that paid her over $1,000,000 in 2016 to write reports on PixarBio for Pacira Pharmaceutical, while she worked at PixarBio. She told us this after a 3 hour science review of
NeuroRelease. Taunia completed her science transfer meetings and drove home to Pacira on her third
day of working at PixarBio. A pure theft of corporate knowledge. The unusual encounter with the Taunia, led PixarBio filed charges in NJ against Taunia Markvicka in
spring 2016. Former Pacira sales person David Kaplan then called PixarBio complaining he had no equity in Pacira and if we gave him equity in PixarBio he would work for PixarBio. Shortly after David Kaplan joined PixarBio
he began calling loyal PixarBio employees suggesting they quit PixarBio. David Kaplan then brought on Dr Moed Azzam who worked as an advisor at Pacira and Moed was the caller who made baseless claims to the SEC. Moed Azaam was clueless about PixarBio’s team, business, and operations as he attended two short meetings during his time working for PixarBio

The Four Former Pacira Staff that undermined PixarBio for Pacira are:
1. Moed Azzam- Attended two short PXRB meetings as a PixarBio advisor. Signed as The #1 Plaintiff in the NJ Class Action. Moed Azzam does not legally qualified to be the lead plaintiff
2. David Kaplan- David lied about relationship with Pacira, David is a real fraud who lied almost every time his lips were moving
3. Taunia Markvicka- A failed sales manager at Pacira Taunia lied about successfully rolling out Exparel, when in fact she was fired for failing to successfully roll out Exparel. Taunia came to work for PixarBio lying about still being under contract for Pacira
4. Glenn Reiser – Glenn claimed to be Pacira US Sales manager during interviews, but background checks found he was local sales rep for Pacira. Glenn had Pacira people lie to confirm his fake background. Glenn brought the rest of the Pacira team to PixarBio. LIAR

Has Reiser ever done anything? He did nada in IDN role. Same as an RD or in current role. The ultimate suck-up. How many times has he been seen at meetings trailing Stack like a lost puppy. Look at me, look at me.

Disgruntled ex employee, this is old news, boring. You honestly need to let it go. You are truly pathetic.

Well, I'm a disgruntled current employee and this old news still aplies today, so it is a valid issue. To your point, I would let it go but the problem still remains. One one Dennis' minions. Now there's a guy who brings nothing to the table. He bolted his AD job because he as about to get fired, took the DPS liaison job (what a success that was), bolted again to be Chief Customer Officer, What the hell is that? Does he still have controlling interest in Remedy?

Well, I'm a disgruntled current employee and this old news still aplies today, so it is a valid issue. To your point, I would let it go but the problem still remains. One one Dennis' minions. Now there's a guy who brings nothing to the table. He bolted his AD job because he as about to get fired, took the DPS liaison job (what a success that was), bolted again to be Chief Customer Officer, What the hell is that? Does he still have controlling interest in Remedy?

so what you’re saying is that you’re an Pacira employee, basically?

This company is so bloated at the top with worthless, useless sycophants…how can this be reality? Like, a company this size, to be so poorly run and led…doesn’t feel like it should be possible. But yet it is. Because of the people in the field doing 98.63% of all total work done at Pacira. Keeping the lights on. Getting zero credit and paid crap money. Laughably bad.