An oldie but a goodie

I Love America

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama campaign promise - October 27, 2007

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama campaign promise - October 27, 2007

Admit that the conservatard chicken hawks have fought against the end of the war, and continue to fight against troop withdrawal. Even the Iraqis want this crap to end , so they can go back to being a dictatorship, led by Muqtada AL Sadr.
At least Obama realized the utter and complete asinine folly of the idiot Bush wars.

Admit that the conservatard chicken hawks have fought against the end of the war, and continue to fight against troop withdrawal. Even the Iraqis want this crap to end , so they can go back to being a dictatorship, led by Muqtada AL Sadr.
At least Obama realized the utter and complete asinine folly of the idiot Bush wars.

Wrong again, braniac. As C.I.C. OBlahblah has the authority to end war all by himself.
He doesn't even need to put it in writing.

I thought chichen hawks like you demand that Obama listens to the generals and make decisions based on what they say.

Haters are just against anything and everything.
Ha! It has nothing to do with what conservatives want. It's all about what Carterbama promised you gullible folks. So, how'd that promise work out? Shall we pile it on with Gitmo? Or wait, you guys think he's still on schedule with Gitmo.

OK, name one. Be specific please, then show some evidence that I hate that person.
Look, these left-wingers are so shocked and stunned by the dismal performance of Carterbama that they live in a state of reality dissonance. If the sky is blue, and a conservative says it's blue, the left-wingers call the conservative a liar...and, in their dysfunctional minds, you are henceforth a liar. They do it repeatedly on this board, and never...ever...are able to substantiate their delusional claims.

Look, these left-wingers are so shocked and stunned by the dismal performance of Carterbama that they live in a state of reality dissonance. If the sky is blue, and a conservative says it's blue, the left-wingers call the conservative a liar...and, in their dysfunctional minds, you are henceforth a liar. They do it repeatedly on this board, and never...ever...are able to substantiate their delusional claims.

This kid is especially bad. I pity him. Within aa few minutes of the Loughner shooting he was on the board accusing the Republicans. He needs psychiatric help.