An elephant!

I like him so he can ride in on whatever the heck he wants. I trust him more than HT and CT for the first 2 years. So moving forward, Prolia will be in good shape when the rest of the country pick up on their sales.

Heads need to roll. What a joke this company has become. I guess thats what happens when you continue to fill upper management spots with Big pharma crooks and douche bags

First Amgen meeting in a long time that I can say it was not that bad. No grinding us into the ground. No Sales Village, and no 2 days of constant role play. The elephant, chimp, and Wayne Newton were fun. When I got home, I was not depressed or ticked-off like I have been in the past. I got sick because of all the people with TB on the flight home though.

They have meetings in Vegas to weed out the children from adults.

I agree with the post above. This meeting sure beats constant role plays and stupid sales village. I didn't mind the circus was quite entertaining I thought!