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An ego bigger than any turkey...


When asked what he is “most thankful for” by a reporter at his Mar-a-Lago golf resort in Florida, Trump responded: “For having a great family and for having made a tremendous difference in this country.”

He then doubled down on patting himself on the back, saying, “I made a tremendous difference in the country. This country is so much stronger now than it was when I took office that you wouldn’t believe it. I mean, you see it, but so much stronger that people can’t even believe it.”

He insisted that “when I see foreign leaders, they say we cannot believe the difference in strength between the United States now and the United States two years ago.


When asked what he is “most thankful for” by a reporter at his Mar-a-Lago golf resort in Florida, Trump responded: “For having a great family and for having made a tremendous difference in this country.”

He then doubled down on patting himself on the back, saying, “I made a tremendous difference in the country. This country is so much stronger now than it was when I took office that you wouldn’t believe it. I mean, you see it, but so much stronger that people can’t even believe it.”

He insisted that “when I see foreign leaders, they say we cannot believe the difference in strength between the United States now and the United States two years ago.

What he says is all true. With the fake press telling lies and ignoring all the positives and harping on th enegatibes, he needs to blow his own horn once in awhile because no one else will.
We suffered thrust 8 yrs of Obie and heard nothing but “I” out of his mouth every day, and most of what he said and actually did was bs or bad for the country. Trump had to spend the first year undoing all the stupid moves Pbie made.

So your argument then is : Two wrongs make a right?

That way we all lose. :cool:

No, fool! My argument which wins is that we are making great progress having moved from a egomaniac who hates the Constitution and actually did a t like a tyrant to one who respects the Constitution and governs by it!

That’s a huge improvement that anyone but a total fool realizes!

So your argument then is : Two wrongs make a right?

That way we all lose. :cool:

One wrong... Barry.
Trump has to correct all the damage caused by his predecessor and has to fight the Dems and half his own pathetic party to do what has been needed to bring America back to its strength and stature that has been lost for too long.
Opposing him at every turn just to oppose him is undermining all the good he’s done and can do.
The trade inequalities and the border are perfect examples. Both have been ignored for decades, mainly to line peoples’ pockets. No president in recent history has had the balls to do anything about neither.
Enough wasting time with you libtard morons who care more about yourselves and bashing T than your country.

One wrong... Barry.
Trump has to correct all the damage caused by his predecessor and has to fight the Dems and half his own pathetic party to do what has been needed to bring America back to its strength and stature that has been lost for too long.
Opposing him at every turn just to oppose him is undermining all the good he’s done and can do.
The trade inequalities and the border are perfect examples. Both have been ignored for decades, mainly to line peoples’ pockets. No president in recent history has had the balls to do anything about neither.
Enough wasting time with you libtard morons who care more about yourselves and bashing T than your country.

He nailed it!

Obama is history, Trump is a current event. :cool:

Yeah, then why does that collassal pathetic failure as a man and a prez keep trying to make himself relevant ? He’s worse than you; and you are certainly irrelevant and pathetic.
Obie put the US in the shitter with his stupidity, arrogance, narcissism, racism and T is trying to right all the wrongs he and his cronies forced on the citizens of this country. No way we should forget his plot to turn this country into his kingdom of corruption and socialism that made damn sure he and his elite cronies remained at the top of the pyramid.
You and all the ignorant assholes blame T... forget that crap. Obama and the Dem party put us where we are and T is digging us out of the crater we were put in.
Your ignorance and stupidity is truly disgusting. You know the truth, yet ignore it because O was the failed messiah who fell on his face as a miserable failure.
Get over it and face reality.

So where is that wall Mexico was going to pay for? He has the payment built into the deal he just signed, right? If not he is a liar. :cool:

Yeah, like most presidents, Trump is a liar. But Trump pales in comparison to Obama as a liar and as I’ve repeatedly explained to you, idiot boy, a critical difference is that Obama’s lies cost people big money and their freedom.

So I’ll tell you again! We are making tremendous progress and only an idiot whines when big progress is being made! :rolleyes:

So where is that wall Mexico was going to pay for? He has the payment built into the deal he just signed, right? If not he is a liar. :cool:

So you blame T? What about the Dems refusal to give him the money?
It’s costing us more to support the parasites than the wall would cost.
Irresponsible and ridiculous on the part of Dems that would rather resist, regardless of the cost to the AMERICAN people.

So where is that wall Mexico was going to pay for? He has the payment built into the deal he just signed, right? If not he is a liar. :cool:

Deflection and diversion. Answer my post directly, not with some bs about the wall.
You and I know exact why the wall isn’t built.... Democrats acting like spoiled kids.
Screw the country, we don’t want T to have success in anything.
News flash ... he’s succeeding despite the Dems’ childish petulance.
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Deflection and diversion. Answer my post directly, not with some bs about the wall.
You and I know exact why the wall isn’t built.... Democrats acting like spoiled kids.
Screw the country, we don’t want T to have success in anything.
News flash ... he’s succeeding despite the Dems’ childish petulance.

When did Trump promise he would have Congress pay for a wall? What he promised was that Mexico would pay for the wall. The spoiled kid part is Trump committing millions that he had no right to commit and he lied about the funding. Now suddenly he wants to go over budget and have us TAXPAYERS pay for something he promised Mexico would pay for? No fucking way! Who is the petulant child?

Put down some more fucking razor wire asshole. You just signed a trade agreement with Mexico and held it up so we could all see your signature. Now - show us the money, Mr. Master Negotiator...……….. :)

When did Trump promise he would have Congress pay for a wall? What he promised was that Mexico would pay for the wall. The spoiled kid part is Trump committing millions that he had no right to commit and he lied about the funding. Now suddenly he wants to go over budget and have us TAXPAYERS pay for something he promised Mexico would pay for? No fucking way! Who is the petulant child?

Put down some more fucking razor wire asshole. You just signed a trade agreement with Mexico and held it up so we could all see your signature. Now - show us the money, Mr. Master Negotiator...……….. :)

You don’t know what you are talking about. Trump has every right to do what he has done.

As to the rest, I frankly don’t care who pays for the wall, I just want it built. Trump really can’t make Mexico pay for the wall unilaterally, so that’s on Congress. Did you not understand that it was plainly implied when Trump makes statements like that? But no presidential candidate in history amends his ever campaign promise, his every statement with “well, I’m going to do that IF I can get congress to go along with me”.

Again like your buddy V you either understand that and act accordingly or like him you’re too naive and stupid to be in a poli board.

When did Trump promise he would have Congress pay for a wall? What he promised was that Mexico would pay for the wall. The spoiled kid part is Trump committing millions that he had no right to commit and he lied about the funding. Now suddenly he wants to go over budget and have us TAXPAYERS pay for something he promised Mexico would pay for? No fucking way! Who is the petulant child?

Put down some more fucking razor wire asshole. You just signed a trade agreement with Mexico and held it up so we could all see your signature. Now - show us the money, Mr. Master Negotiator...……….. :)

You don’t understand Trump. Do you think he really. believed Mexico was going to pay for it?
Every candidate uses hyperbole to get elected. Trump just goes a little overboard. If you think about it, Mexico is paying as the illegals are sucking up their resources to feed and stop the spread of disease, because the organizers left them high and dry. Remember the fake news tried to convince us that this was a political stunt? The caravan didn’t exist?
The wall will make these parasites think twice about entering illegally, so we both win.

You don’t understand Trump. Do you think he really. believed Mexico was going to pay for it?
Every candidate uses hyperbole to get elected. Trump just goes a little overboard. If you think about it, Mexico is paying as the illegals are sucking up their resources to feed and stop the spread of disease, because the organizers left them high and dry. Remember the fake news tried to convince us that this was a political stunt? The caravan didn’t exist?
The wall will make these parasites think twice about entering illegally, so we both win.

Add some razor wire - build Mexico's statement into the trade agree,ment.

So every president talks in hyperbole and that excuses Trump? OK, then Obama saying 'You can keep your doctor', was OK too? :cool: