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Amylin stock has tripled since the split

Sure wish our stock would triple.

How can we be more like Amylin?

Get a divorce from Lilly?

Amylin knew Lilly's leadership and strategy was dragging it into the abyss. Breaking from Lilly was a wise and profitable decision. It didn't take long for them to turn things once they were released from FIPNET. I wonder if Amylin has its own REVeli cafe?

Amylin knew Lilly's leadership and strategy was dragging it into the abyss. Breaking from Lilly was a wise and profitable decision. It didn't take long for them to turn things once they were released from FIPNET. I wonder if Amylin has its own REVeli cafe?

I have seen many careers take off once departed from the Vampire Squid Mothership, too (VSM for short).

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