AMS to be sold cheaply before end of Oct to finance Endo's Auxilium purchase


Strong rumor on the grapevine that the sale of AMS will go ahead at a much lower price than what Endo paid for AMS so that the Auxilium purchase can be funded. Expected to be sold to a private equity firm sooner rather than later.

Strong rumor on the grapevine that the sale of AMS will go ahead at a much lower price than what Endo paid for AMS so that the Auxilium purchase can be funded. Expected to be sold to a private equity firm sooner rather than later.

Rumor? It is a fact. No way in hell anyone pays 2.9 Billion for AMS. The only division that is sustainable is mens health, womens pelvic and bph would go bankrupt on their own if not for mens health. 1.3 Billion takes it all. BTW Auxilium is going to say FU to endo, unless Rajiv really opens his wallet, which he wont.

AMS is circling the drain.

Strong rumor on the grapevine that the sale of AMS will go ahead at a much lower price than what Endo paid for AMS so that the Auxilium purchase can be funded. Expected to be sold to a private equity firm sooner rather than later.

Maybe by end of Nov so majority of people can be fired before the new year. Go ask Julie Beth to confirm the severance packages.....

At least we didn't get scolded at the town hall like the norm. Rajiv, can you visit regularly or relocate from Dublin to Minneapolis? They may have better beer, but Minnesota better snow

At least we didn't get scolded at the town hall like the norm. Rajiv, can you visit regularly or relocate from Dublin to Minneapolis? They may have better beer, but Minnesota better snow

Rajiv doesnt really live in Ireland. He lives in the USA. His mail is sent to Ireland for tax purposes....

Camille, what can I say? Loser.

Sell us, please! The sooner the better. All of this worrying about has the entire company on edge. But when we start discounting MPH products 40% and WPH is desperately trying to sell whatever they can with the end of the quarter right around the corner, it's obvious we're trying to impress someone other than Rajiv and the board.

Sell us, please! The sooner the better. All of this worrying about has the entire company on edge. But when we start discounting MPH products 40% and WPH is desperately trying to sell whatever they can with the end of the quarter right around the corner, it's obvious we're trying to impress someone other than Rajiv and the board.

Everything must go!

can't believe what we were forced to do this week. not ever seen in all my years. we virtually begged to have our customers buy our heavily discounted ipps. 40% and for what? a golden parachute so one person can look good? he won't be around to make us clean up this mess, even if we have a chance to do so. very, very sad. disgusting, actually. i'm ashamed.

can't believe what we were forced to do this week. not ever seen in all my years. we virtually begged to have our customers buy our heavily discounted ipps. 40% and for what? a golden parachute so one person can look good? he won't be around to make us clean up this mess, even if we have a chance to do so. very, very sad. disgusting, actually. i'm ashamed.

Get ready to do it again if we aren't sold in the next month or two. It'll be a fire sale when Q4 ends if we're still being run by Camille.
And after our rush to sell off everything this past week, the short term memory loss will kick in and they'll start bitching about how soft our start to October. Poor business model when you have to chase a revenue number each month. Hey Kirk, give it a fucking rest!

Get ready to do it again if we aren't sold in the next month or two. It'll be a fire sale when Q4 ends if we're still being run by Camille.
And after our rush to sell off everything this past week, the short term memory loss will kick in and they'll start bitching about how soft our start to October. Poor business model when you have to chase a revenue number each month. Hey Kirk, give it a fucking rest!

If Cam is not here? Cam will get 2 years bonus and salary when Rajiv gives away AMS. He will be here for 1 year post sale and then will bail (back to chicago to a company like Baxter- something really big so he can hide)....

The same will not be said for everyone else. Field TMs will be trimmed, home office head count massively reduced, and home office will demand that no money be spend doing anything. GSM will be a joke worse than last year.

If he's anywhere remotely close by post sale, you can immediately count on a mass exodus. Pronto. We will become a per diem outfit as they'll be no sales force and no one at the home office.

He has no interest in the sales force. OMG can you imagine Camilles Teflon spin BS to protect himself. He is not worthy of any bonus of sinking this ship. He is the captain of the Concordia. He'll be on the first lifeboat with his wardrobe.

He has no interest in the sales force. OMG can you imagine Camilles Teflon spin BS to protect himself. He is not worthy of any bonus of sinking this ship. He is the captain of the Concordia. He'll be on the first lifeboat with his wardrobe.

If he could Cam would dump the sales force completely and sell via distributor. You are correct that he is the Captain of the Concordia. He will save his wardrobe and his safe to carry his millions home.

Its a sham that Cam will receive none of the blame in destroying this company.

Only 6 people viewing? Training and HR love this site. You know when 12+ are on that in house is viewing to see what is being said. The rumor mill is alive and well in Minneapolis!