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Amitiza WEEK LONG Live Training?


Use your brain HDQ! Many of us have sold Amitiza in the recent past, and the 6-12 month rule is complete idiocy! Just send the first timers out to live training, and even for them a week is way too long. Here's an honest observation, the training department is the biggest non real-world fairy tale ever with too many self important attitudes. Be smart for a change, give us the skinny and stop with all the "loose your job" if you don't pass garbage, and classroom BS for hours on end. In today's advanced technological environment, seasoned reps do not need to be on a plane, out of the field, and sitting in a classroom training on something they have already sold! GET A CLUE!! END OF STORY!!


Use your brain HDQ! Many of us have sold Amitiza in the recent past, and the 6-12 month rule is complete idiocy! Just send the first timers out to live training, and even for them a week is way too long. Here's an honest observation, the training department is the biggest non real-world fairy tale ever with too many self important attitudes. Be smart for a change, give us the skinny and stop with all the "loose your job" if you don't pass garbage, and classroom BS for hours on end. In today's advanced technological environment, seasoned reps do not need to be on a plane, out of the field, and sitting in a classroom training on something they have already sold! GET A CLUE!! END OF STORY!!

You are just a field rep that doesn't understand the gravity of the situation. Plecanatide is going to launch in 9 months and could destroy our CIC franchise. We need all hands on deck to blunt their launch. If you don't like it, "man up" and get promoted to Chicago and do things your way

You are just a field rep that doesn't understand the gravity of the situation. Plecanatide is going to launch in 9 months and could destroy our CIC franchise. We need all hands on deck to blunt their launch. If you don't like it, "man up" and get promoted to Chicago and do things your way

Are you effing serious? You must be from the training department!! "Gravity of the situation" my asshole! You are one clueless freeking training department idiot that's drinking all the kool-aid you can get your hands on. Just like the op said, you people are so self important it's ridiculous!

Are you effing serious? You must be from the training department!! "Gravity of the situation" my asshole! You are one clueless freeking training department idiot that's drinking all the kool-aid you can get your hands on. Just like the op said, you people are so self important it's ridiculous!

How much training can there be for a drug that makes you nauseated before you crap? I'm saying 2 days tops! Holy Shit!! Training people are full of it ;-)

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