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Amitiza gets opioid indication. Things are looking damn good at Takeda


Another bullet in our gun tackling this disease. We now have opioid indication for Amitiza while ironwood and forest have stock downgrades today!

Another reason not to use Linzmess and keep using Amitiza. No electrolyte imbalance, elderly indication, no BLACK box warning for kids, and now we have opioid indication too. Did I mention, no explosive diarrhea either with Amitiza? The forest slob with 5 scripts in my territory will be lucky to have 3 next quarter. See you in Kauai!

7 years, 7 million patients STRONG


Another bullet in our gun tackling this disease. We now have opioid indication for Amitiza while ironwood and forest have stock downgrades today!

Another reason not to use Linzmess and keep using Amitiza. No electrolyte imbalance, elderly indication, no BLACK box warning for kids, and now we have opioid indication too. Did I mention, no explosive diarrhea either with Amitiza? The forest slob with 5 scripts in my territory will be lucky to have 3 next quarter. See you in Kauai!

7 years, 7 million patients STRONG

Too bad Takeda reps I know we're already promoting it for that off label so it won't make a dent

Another bullet in our gun tackling this disease. We now have opioid indication for Amitiza while ironwood and forest have stock downgrades today!

Another reason not to use Linzmess and keep using Amitiza. No electrolyte imbalance, elderly indication, no BLACK box warning for kids, and now we have opioid indication too. Did I mention, no explosive diarrhea either with Amitiza? The forest slob with 5 scripts in my territory will be lucky to have 3 next quarter. See you in Kauai!

7 years, 7 million patients STRONG

Well Sucampo is probably excited about that. We hardly make any money on this drug. It's liscensed fool.

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