Amazon to buy Medline?


Hearing rumors that Medline is in Amazon’s sights to purchase as they are realizing they will not make it in this space without an acquisition. Wonder if the Mills are ready to cash out???

Heard Mills want out. No one in family to take over. Better choices exist for Amazon. Amazon going to have to pay state taxes and lose that advantage. Cost of shipping going up too, no more government subsidy. They had a significant advantage in comparison to local retailers and that’s going away

Amazon to pay state taxes. Government to withdraw subsidy to Amazon for shipping costs. Costs going up.
Medline mostly unprofitable hospital sales it’s hilarious that hospital administrators have cheered on amazon. What are they going to save the .66% profit Owens makes?
There is little money in hospital distribution. The money is made by the companies selling direct. Amazon won’t get that business.

Amazon backing off from pharma sales to hospitals. That makes total sense.
Backing off hospital med surg would sense too .profits have been squeezed there already When you have hospitals wanting to go self distribution to maybe gain a percent or 2 . Which is questionable at best. Why would anyone want to get into that market? Good luck.

Yes, Amazon is looking at Medline to sell the basic stuff to households diapers, ensure, grab bars and etc.. Since the margins are so low to Hospitals and Nursing Homes there is really no need for reps to sell low low margin items. We were all told 10 years ago that we would be competing with the internet in the future and the future is here.

Growing double digits according to what data? What the Mills tell us? That’s the same as Kim Jong-Un telling his people they are not actually starving to death.

well yes...we have to take their word for it, no?
i'm genuinely asking.

they are growing double digits and buying out competitors...i guess they're doing something right?

Medline is doing exceptional well. I interviewed with them 12 years ago and wasn’t interested and now I’ve been with them for 7 months and I’m amazed at the current growth and growth potential moving forward. I came from CareFusion, BD and have experience with Cardinal living in CBus. Medline is taking Cardinal distribution business and manufacturing business in their own backyard.

Medline is doing exceptional well. I interviewed with them 12 years ago and wasn’t interested and now I’ve been with them for 7 months and I’m amazed at the current growth and growth potential moving forward. I came from CareFusion, BD and have experience with Cardinal living in CBus. Medline is taking Cardinal distribution business and manufacturing business in their own backyard.

yes, this is precisely what i have been experiencing with them. sure they're known for cutting pricing, but their growth is nothing short of impressive. they're also buying out a ton of their competition in the market. scary company to compete against.