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OK boys and girls, all together now, you know what to say.
“Seriously Dr, it’s people just like you that are diverting our product to Amazon, our management had nothing to do with it”
“By the way Dr., did you know that adjuvants cause sarcomas in ALL cats?”

Did any of you hear that bus coming towards you?

Well here's something to consider...
dewormer is available otc...vets still buy it
pet food is available otc vets still buy it
vaccines are available otc vets still buy them
there will still be vets selling clients product regardless of what happens
the world is not coming to an end
stop the madness

My vote.
Just take it totally OTC, quit pretending. We could double our sales at Retail level and let Summit and Fort Dodge have their tiny bit of scraps from those who are so upset they make a switch.

And just watch everybody start posting who they don't like, or who they can't top. What a high school game you like to play. Tell you about all you bitter reps get the hell out since you hate it so much and go do something else????????? Nobody is forcing you to stay, either with Merial or within the industry. Stop dragging everybody down with your attitude. It's REALLY a simple business work, someone pays...period. Nobody owes you shit.

What do YOU think YOU can do about diversion??? Do what you can in your own territory and STHU. Stop worring about everybody's out of your control and guess what....nobody cares what you, me or anybody else thinks about diversion.

Here's a who does a GOOD job. See if you can POSSIBLY say one pleasant thing on this board.

Well here's something to consider...
dewormer is available otc...vets still buy it
pet food is available otc vets still buy it
vaccines are available otc vets still buy them
there will still be vets selling clients product regardless of what happens
the world is not coming to an end
stop the madness

To a certain extent, I'll agree, BUT Merial has a history of this and I think they have pushed too many buttons with this one.
I'm afraid doctors are not going to forget about this one, any time soon.

And just watch everybody start posting who they don't like, or who they can't top. What a high school game you like to play. Tell you about all you bitter reps get the hell out since you hate it so much and go do something else????????? Nobody is forcing you to stay, either with Merial or within the industry. Stop dragging everybody down with your attitude. It's REALLY a simple business work, someone pays...period. Nobody owes you shit.

What do YOU think YOU can do about diversion??? Do what you can in your own territory and STHU. Stop worring about everybody's out of your control and guess what....nobody cares what you, me or anybody else thinks about diversion.

Here's a who does a GOOD job. See if you can POSSIBLY say one pleasant thing on this board.

People care jerkwad because the decisions our company makes that cause vets to consider other new products directly impact our income. Maybe you have a total salaried position, but many of us depend on bonuses. Vets are definitely taking notice of this Target thing, and they're buying the FD and Lilly stuff. That hurts our wallets!


This is Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of

If one of your reps tells any clinic that you cannot guarantee the authenticity of the Frontline product I am selling.

I will sue Merial, and you (the sales rep and agent) back to the stoneage.

Thank you,
Jeff Bezos
Rich man with lots of money to pay lawyers.

Why is everyone worrying about Has anyone been there yet? LOL.......If you enter Frontline Plus an array of products show up and you can double click on the product. Guess where it takes you.......It takes you to a Vet's website each and every time. Just try it. This is perfectly legal as long as the Vet does not sell it to a company that sells it to a consumer. This is called being a distributor and you must have a license. If you don't believe me just try it. Please get your facts straight before wasting your time on this subject. Let's move on and talk about some of the new flea/tick products out there and what the differences are.


This is Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of

If one of your reps tells any clinic that you cannot guarantee the authenticity of the Frontline product I am selling.

I will sue Merial, and you (the sales rep and agent) back to the stoneage.

Thank you,
Jeff Bezos
Rich man with lots of money to pay lawyers.

Jeff, you spelled your name wrong, it's BoZos

I am pretty sure that Amazon does not care wether or not we merge. We should worry about when our next lunch break is or how many more times we have to post to get noticed.