Yes and yes. Most of the field saw this coming and what is really sad is all those folks that have either left a job to get on the Titanic or those who are brand new thinking that this industry is one rung up from working on a used car lot, which it is. Buckle your seatbelt because until Pfizer decides to do away with your sales force, it is gonna be one bumpy ride!

Most doctors believed that the results from the trial were non-biased but these results were skewed terribly toward the fish oil. Those providers that attended AHA are much more reluctant to prescribe once they are hearing the message on the true outcome of these trials. Whole new opinion now. Happy New Year fish oil peddlers!

Most doctors believed that the results from the trial were non-biased but these results were skewed terribly toward the fish oil. Those providers that attended AHA are much more reluctant to prescribe once they are hearing the message on the true outcome of these trials. Whole new opinion now. Happy New Year fish oil peddlers!