Alliance Update????

Contract sales force in denial. Contract updates like this are common. Maybe if you are lucky, they are adding another drug to your bag! Will make your resume look very good for Ashfield or Syneos.

You do realize the only drug you carry in your bag is not Takedas. And they are looking for another drug to "copromote"- which will not be takedas.

But whatever helps you sleep at night. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings with the truth.

You do realize the only drug you carry in your bag is not Takedas. And they are looking for another drug to "copromote"- which will not be takedas.

But whatever helps you sleep at night. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings with the truth.
Well aware you dork but if we were a contract force we’d have horrible benefits, bad cars, low salaries, no severance options and no chance to move to other divisions. Duh. Most of what Pfizer has done was sell stuff they bought from other companies.

Well aware you dork but if we were a contract force we’d have horrible benefits, bad cars, low salaries, no severance options and no chance to move to other divisions. Duh. Most of what Pfizer has done was sell stuff they bought from other companies.
We are all very proud that our careers have brought us to selling in primary care with a licensed rights drug on its last leg. And great cars. Some say the best cars.

Contract reps have nothing on us! Take that dorks and morons.