Allergan to purchase Shire ?

Allergan's stock is trading around $165, having jumped 15 percent on news of Valeant's offer.

With Shire, Allergan would gain the ADHD drug Vyvanse, which drew $1.23 billion in 2013 revenue. Shire also focuses on rare diseases, with drugs like Elaprase for an enzyme deficiency called Hunter syndrome and Replagal for Fabry disease drawing $546 million and $468 million last year, respectively.

And the 12.5 percent Irish corporate tax rate can't be ignored—despite Pyott's comments earlier this year that he's unlikely to step in line with industry trends and seek acquisitions there.

That is ridiculous! The grass is not always greener on the otherside. Your probably a rep that doesn't work and hasn't been successful at Shire. Good luck job hunting. It sucks! You don't need to be at Shire anyway with that ungrateful attitude.

That is ridiculous! The grass is not always greener on the otherside. Your probably a rep that doesn't work and hasn't been successful at Shire. Good luck job hunting. It sucks! You don't need to be at Shire anyway with that ungrateful attitude.

Agree. Some of us are happy here at Shire. You sound like a typical rep who has been at Shire for so long you are now taking it for granted. Anyone that has had to actually search for a job in this job market knows how fortunate we are to work for a good company like Shire.

Agree. Some of us are happy here at Shire. You sound like a typical rep who has been at Shire for so long you are now taking it for granted. Anyone that has had to actually search for a job in this job market knows how fortunate we are to work for a good company like Shire.

Maybe they're upset because new reps on their team make $20,000 more in base than they do. Good idea Shire.

Maybe they're upset because new reps on their team make $20,000 more in base than they do. Good idea Shire.

Shire made salary adjustments to compensate for this. Remember you accepted the job offer they gave you. If you are still unhappy after the adjustment then leave. No one is forcing you to be here. If you think you are worth more I am sure another company will pay you more. Complaining on the forum won't help you.

Why complain and be stuck at a company you don't like working for? Truth is that Shire is a GREAT company to work for. Sorry youre disgruntled, but it's up to you to make the best of it or make a change for yourself.