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Allergan to buy Biogen


Latest news in 2011 you moron...also, there's no way possible allergan can afford Biogen Idec's 125+ Billion it would take to get us.

So go troll somewhere else. No one but a Pfizer/J & J type can afford Biogen.

Latest news in 2011 you moron...also, there's no way possible allergan can afford Biogen Idec's 125+ Billion it would take to get us.

So go troll somewhere else. No one but a Pfizer/J & J type can afford Biogen.

Yes, that's correct, Buyogen does the buying, of scripts and Drs!

Latest news in 2011 you moron...also, there's no way possible allergan can afford Biogen Idec's 125+ Billion it would take to get us.

So go troll somewhere else. No one but a Pfizer/J & J type can afford Biogen.

You forgot the big "M" who has been poking around here for quite some time. They have the $'s and broker deals large and small all day long. They want revenues and pipes and quickly rid most employees of the acquired company.

You forgot the big "M" who has been poking around here for quite some time. They have the $'s and broker deals large and small all day long. They want revenues and pipes and quickly rid most employees of the acquired company.

Hell, we are already Merck!!! Look around, it's Merck cast offs everywhere in upper management.
And they know the MS market so well & are managing to navigate it so successfully with that knowledge (please note the sarcasm as all of the intelligent people on the commercial side have all left for a sad Genzyme. You know its bad when people would rather work there with a sketchy future than here with our ridiculously stacked pipeline)

Have fun in Dallas

I knew it was over after my meeting with Sr Mgt, 90% ex-Merck who never sold or managed a day in MS in their lives, started to "coach" and "critique" my presentation to tell me how we were going to increase MS market share by 20% in 6 months. As I learned to do long long ago was to just shake my head and say thank you for the great ideas and insights then calmly went into the bathroom to wash the dirt and grease off of me from the audience. The R&D here is A++ Sr Leadership in Commercial is a D-.

I wouldn't count that out. Brent Saunders is a M&A monster. They have $40+ billion in cash from the generics sell off to Teva and a $120 billion market cap. It's quiet right now which I guess is good. But the whispers are nerve wracking.

I wouldn't count that out. Brent Saunders is a M&A monster. They have $40+ billion in cash from the generics sell off to Teva and a $120 billion market cap. It's quiet right now which I guess is good. But the whispers are nerve wracking.

One problem--- what is in it for a potential buyer? There is no de-risked catalyst for the stock or the company. Too expensive to accept that level of risk.

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