Allergan to be Bought


I very rarely post on this board when I do what I post in most instances comes true. In the next 90 to 120 days Allergan will be bought and it will not be pretty so dust of the old resume. Good luck to all.

Our market cap is 20 billion and any company willing to buy us would have to pay a premium of at least 20 percent. So 24 billion for a company with revenues under 3 bill a year? If we are bought, it will be by one of the big 3 who in all likely hood will not have an optical field force. With that being said we are already lean and I would feel very safe. If we were to be let go there would be a nice severance.

I very rarely post on this board when I do what I post in most instances comes true. In the next 90 to 120 days Allergan will be bought and it will not be pretty so dust of the old resume. Good luck to all.

LOL!! ok so you post this with no sources or a company which could possiably buy allergan...come on now you alcon reps should stay on your own board dont you have a enough problems with Novartis ahahha

LOL!! ok so you post this with no sources or a company which could possiably buy allergan...come on now you alcon reps should stay on your own board dont you have a enough problems with Novartis ahahha

Google Sanofi-Aventis. They have over $40 Billion in cash in the bank and their 'new' CEO Chris V, is on a buying spree. They just bought Genzyme and now the word on the street is that they are looking to become the #1 Ophthalmology Company in the world, since they currently have no Ophthalmology products they are going to have to buy a big company. They say they are looking at 3 companies in the US and 1 in India, they might buy all 4. They also have a Derm division so it seems like a perfect fit. Hold onto your safety goggles....Chris V is a hatchet man and there definitely will be no more Hawaii!!

I very rarely post on this board when I do what I post in most instances comes true. In the next 90 to 120 days Allergan will be bought and it will not be pretty so dust of the old resume. Good luck to all.

OMG! Out of all of the HUNDREDS of times that somebody has posted this rumor I never believed it UNTIL NOW! Thank you SO MUCH for the warning! I will go clean up my resume IMMEDIATELY!!!

Suck it, douche.

OMG! Out of all of the HUNDREDS of times that somebody has posted this rumor I never believed it UNTIL NOW! Thank you SO MUCH for the warning! I will go clean up my resume IMMEDIATELY!!!

Suck it, douche.

However, in all honesty, Allergan is a great takeover company. Strong pipline, great support staff{ie: R&D, Sales & Marketing, replaceable management) Glaxo, JNJ for instance, has over 150 billion in the bank. Allergan could be bought over a suggestion. This guppy company is in an aquarium of pirahna.

You shit for for brains that talk about the market cap of Allergan kill me Pfizer, GSK or Sanofi Aventis have 20 Biilon sitting in the change jar on the CEO's desk. I lost my job with URO Division when it was down sized three time award wiiner and still have not recovered. Allergan has one the most valuable assests in Pharma The big bad Botox that get an indication for any thing including my itching ass. Trust me and and I me trust me Allergan will be bought and it will not be pretty. Sit back and do nothing or get out the old resme. I do not wish ill will on any body but the piece of no good shits Pyott, Julian and Ball will sell you down the river and if you beleive any thing different you need to to smoke some more weed. Again Good luck.

That's why Ball is leaving.
Pyott can hit the road shortly after and nobody is going to miss him.
The other department heads are so young and inexperienced they'll likely fall from grace themselves.

Sananofi Aventis would be a nice buyer of AGN but not a Glaxo or Pfizer.

Insider Here... KCI is in discussions with Allergan.

This makes sense.

Also,Allergan's market cap isn't so large that it cannot be acquired. A lot of cash is on the balance sheets for several big companies. i don't see Sanofi making this move at least not for the aesthetic business. Consider that they are trying to sell Sculptura. J & J makes no sense either considering they are competing against Allergan in the aesthetic business.

"""Derivatives strategists Maria Grant and Katherine Fogertey recommended using the strategy on Akamai and EOG, as well as Allergan Inc., Joy Global Inc., DirecTV and EMC Corp., because the potential that the companies may be bought “is not being adequately priced into” the options. """