Allergan pay bump

It’s shameful how low you pay your reps compared to other companies selling similar products.. literally 40-50k less. Who would come to work here but entry level???

we get a pension, profit sharing and robust 401k match. I can retire at 55.

Not everyone at Abbvie gets a pension. The company can do all the damn employee engagement surveys they want about how great it is here. Who gives a shit? Make the pay as equitable as possible across divisions because right now is sure as hell isn't. A bay bump/leveling tells me that the company is listening. Everything else is noise.

Many of the allergen reps working much harder then their abbvie counterparts. So why exactly are we not all being paid at the same level. They have made everything else to be equal. What is the delay on leveling the pay?

Not everyone at Abbvie gets a pension. The company can do all the damn employee engagement surveys they want about how great it is here. Who gives a shit? Make the pay as equitable as possible across divisions because right now is sure as hell isn't. A bay bump/leveling tells me that the company is listening. Everything else is noise.

Yes it's about time legacy Abbvie gets bumped up the 15% to equal legacy Solvay!

Hate to tell ya!! There won’t be any pay bump for Allergan people. Sorry losers!!! Many companies buy other companies with out adding more to the bought company’s base salary. So, you can leave if it’s not to your likings.