Allergan Hospital Interview


Interviewing for a hospital position in anti-infectives. Any insight into this division and where it will be after merger complete? They gave me a ballpark 100-105k salary based on where I am at now and bonuses at 30%.


Interviewing for a hospital position in anti-infectives. Any insight into this division and where it will be after merger complete? They gave me a ballpark 100-105k salary based on where I am at now and bonuses at 30%.

You will get a lot of replies telling you to "run for the hills" which wouldn't be exaggerations, but you obviously need the job otherwise you wouldn't be interviewing. Pfizer has put our hospital salesforce in the "established brands" bucket whereas the Pfizer hospital salesforce has been placed in the "innovative" bucket. That should tell you something right there. We haven't been told anything more, but the month of June seems like "D" day. As for the job itself, Forest and its micromanagement style has done an effective job of treating our salesforce like retail reps (I.e., how many calls a day, expectations to call on physicians outside of ID when most can't even use our antibiotics because they are restricted to ID, spreadsheets, tons of useless conference calls with your manager, etc). If your DM is from the retail side as most are in this division, then pray that he/she leaves you alone. My retail hospital DM is an embarrassment in front of my customers and I just nod my head to avoid countering his retail mentality ideas. The biggest problem here is that if you say anything that is against management, you will be blacklisted. That pretty much sums up our Forest/Actavis/Allergan hospital salesforce. Oh yeah, one more thing, base salary is lowest in the industry and that 30% bonus you were quoted is a complete fabrication.

You will get a lot of replies telling you to "run for the hills" which wouldn't be exaggerations, but you obviously need the job otherwise you wouldn't be interviewing. Pfizer has put our hospital salesforce in the "established brands" bucket whereas the Pfizer hospital salesforce has been placed in the "innovative" bucket. That should tell you something right there. We haven't been told anything more, but the month of June seems like "D" day. As for the job itself, Forest and its micromanagement style has done an effective job of treating our salesforce like retail reps (I.e., how many calls a day, expectations to call on physicians outside of ID when most can't even use our antibiotics because they are restricted to ID, spreadsheets, tons of useless conference calls with your manager, etc). If your DM is from the retail side as most are in this division, then pray that he/she leaves you alone. My retail hospital DM is an embarrassment in front of my customers and I just nod my head to avoid countering his retail mentality ideas. The biggest problem here is that if you say anything that is against management, you will be blacklisted. That pretty much sums up our Forest/Actavis/Allergan hospital salesforce. Oh yeah, one more thing, base salary is lowest in the industry and that 30% bonus you were quoted is a complete fabrication.

This is spot on! Couldn't have stated this better. BTW, we heard there is a hiring freeze on both sides. Just went into effect!

So freeze has been lifted. Interviewing next week. Still kinda on the fence, but coming from the joke that is Valeant, this looks like heaven.
What's the bonus/car/benefits look like?

So, what's the over/under on if this place is going to get any better or not? There are like a dozen people maybe in this whole division that actually know what they are doing and senior leadership seems checked out.