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Allergan hiring freeze


no end in sight bud. It's all evaluated on a territory by territory basis. Volume, growth potential, market for products, number of reps really needed at this stage.
Look Allergan is cutting expenses. You can tell by looking at budgets, samples, low pay for new hires, etc.
Even on our stock news it said growth for the near future was based off reducing expenses...not from product growth.

Pay attention to earnings call. NJ is burning. Rampant rumors on company wide layoffs to occur 8/14. Speculation up to 5k agn employees given the boot. Major restructuring occurring behind closed doors.

Pay attention to earnings call. NJ is burning. Rampant rumors on company wide layoffs to occur 8/14. Speculation up to 5k agn employees given the boot. Major restructuring occurring behind closed doors.

Anyone else heard this rumor? 8/14 is next week! I highly doubt there is much truth to this, but I definitely think something is in the works to happen by year end. PCR would be an easy target.

Why would allergan post and interview for jobs if they are on a hiring freeze? I see that they are even re-posting the same jobs that are supposedly frozen like aesthetics, urology, botox, neuroscience?

The last time this happened at Allergan and at Forest both companies were preparing to sell. That chatter has also picked up recently. Could be an interesting year after all.

Seems fairly obvious that AGN is cutting fat to become attractive for a buyout from Pfizer or other! Im guessing PFE and AGN are already figuring this one out. March 2018 is the official time point for the deal unless the Trump administration reverses the Treasury ruling from last year sooner. Not sure AGN will fetch what it hoped for last time but this should be rewarding to shareholders. Certainly more so than what Saunders has dismally produced so far.