
Worst pay in the industry, management is brainwashed, management will try to brainwash you, sub standard care and services , and the interview process is long and ridiculous. They will put you through at least 3 interviews but usually 4 or 5 is standard before they make a decision on the hiring process.
"If you could be any tree, what would you be and why?" Yes, that was one of the IV questions.

ASK AROUND and people will tell you the same thing....STAY VERY FAR AWAY. Its career suicide ending up here

I went through a few interviews for a mid to high level position with this company. I felt the first two interviews were positive. Met the local admin group and even the reg. ops person. However, when i went through a phone interview with the top regional person he soured me on this company. Not articulate, cocky and abrasive are words I would use to describe him.

I went through a few interviews for a mid to high level position with this company. I felt the first two interviews were positive. Met the local admin group and even the reg. ops person. However, when i went through a phone interview with the top regional person he soured me on this company. Not articulate, cocky and abrasive are words I would use to describe him.

Would his initials be M R? Maybe from Fla?

I went through a few interviews for a mid to high level position with this company. I felt the first two interviews were positive. Met the local admin group and even the reg. ops person. However, when i went through a phone interview with the top regional person he soured me on this company. Not articulate, cocky and abrasive are words I would use to describe him.

I agree with the post. Upper Management are full of themselves. They act like they're so much better than other companies. We all know they're not!!!! Look at the numbers and the direction they're going. Take a look at the markets where they've been for quite some time and the direction. I had to laugh during my interview when they told me my position was basically entry level compared to their corporate structure. They have no idea about the industry or how to compete. Please stay the course with your plans, attitude etc. and let's see where you're at this time next year.

I was told the same thing, but found their leadership team to be very respectful. I turned down the opportunity due to another opportunity presenting itself. Overall it's a solid company in my eyes.

All I can say is they feed you a line of glory to get to take the job , and then its all bullshit.
They promoted a new MBD in grand rapids from an account liaison position this guy is a tool, has no leadership skills, has no clue what his doing, he is a womanizer and tries to lead with an iron fist. His days are numbered, his initials are CW used to work for Pfizer

All I can say is they feed you a line of glory to get to take the job , and then its all bullshit.
They promoted a new MBD in grand rapids from an account liaison position this guy is a tool, has no leadership skills, has no clue what his doing, he is a womanizer and tries to lead with an iron fist. His days are numbered, his initials are CW used to work for Pfizer

Not that butt wad? He will self destruct, but he is harmless.......

OMG, tool to say the least. All about himself, the things he says to the woman at our site is terrible, gossip hound, and wanna be. The other AL's are very nice.

He is an absolute tool, what does that say about a company that promotes someone who has no management experience, or people skills, he will throw anyone under the bus to get ahead. He comes into our facility like he owns the place, be we all know his story........

He is an absolute tool, what does that say about a company that promotes someone who has no management experience, or people skills, he will throw anyone under the bus to get ahead. He comes into our facility like he owns the place, be we all know his story........

he causes more harm than good.....i heard he even has a contest for his sales people to grab all the MC part A patients.....WTF