All of these Layoffs. What about all the high paid MGAMS????


Oncology cut by 35% in November, then HCV, 50% cut in Neuro and now opthomology completely gone. But we still have hospital tablet reps (unbelievable) and lots and lots of highly paid MGAMS! Really??


Oncology cut by 35% in November, then HCV, 50% cut in Neuro and now opthomology completely gone. But we still have hospital tablet reps (unbelievable) and lots and lots of highly paid MGAMS! Really??

Many of those MGAM's are former managers themselves trying to stay on the gravy train with little responsibility and accountability. Management looks out for management.

In this economy, I don't see how Merck can continue to support the MGAM role. It just doesn't make good business sense.

good business sense?? are you kidding me?? What in the world does Merck do on a routine basis that makes any sense at all...

It is called corruption my friend...Managers will always provide corporate welfare for other managers...

Let's look at how the MGAM role originally came about...It was to create a safe haven for district managers that were no longer needed...God forbid you get rid of these people...NO!!! Let's create a safety net for all displaced managers and call them MGAMs...

They will make one or two calls per month on the accounts, have tons of teleconferences, and steal ideas from the reps they come in contact with...Nice gig if you can get it...

Shameful for the company and its stockholders.

All of you are CORRECT! The MGAMS get paid for what? They get the info about accounts from us and then try to act like they are management...simply pathetic. At least in northern California. What the hell do they do? Do you really believe they are with health care reform and quality metrics? Bull shit. What doors have they opened for us at PAMF or sutter?

They are not as red necks as S3 reps but just as worthless...sending emails to justify their jobs. I have more intelligence that their entire family.

Everyone, please state that these roles should be eliminated when you fill out the survey.

good business sense?? are you kidding me?? What in the world does Merck do on a routine basis that makes any sense at all...

It is called corruption my friend...Managers will always provide corporate welfare for other managers...

Let's look at how the MGAM role originally came about...It was to create a safe haven for district managers that were no longer needed...God forbid you get rid of these people...NO!!! Let's create a safety net for all displaced managers and call them MGAMs...

They will make one or two calls per month on the accounts, have tons of teleconferences, and steal ideas from the reps they come in contact with...Nice gig if you can get it...

Shameful for the company and its stockholders.

Don't worry little ones - November will take care of the entire mess - clear down the line

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