It is getting real quiet with little new happening at B+L. Perhaps the layoffs are over and Valeant is starting the process of rebuilding the company?
It is getting real quiet with little new happening at B+L. Perhaps the layoffs are over and Valeant is starting the process of rebuilding the company?
It is getting real quiet with little new happening at B+L. Perhaps the layoffs are over and Valeant is starting the process of rebuilding the company?
The process of restructuring(not rebuilding) is definately underway. Valeant is seeing how the remaining pieces fit together and what pieces are left over. They will be making a list for the next round.
The real silence you year is the sound of a company whose soul has been killed. B&L as you know it is dead. Valeant hasn't even tried to pitch a rah rah, come together campaign.
FF layoffs will start Sep 15th
What does FF stand for?
FF=Field Force (referring to sales)