All Hands Call Dec. 17

No science, no studies, no data. You can’t sell it with the data for ckd so there is no way you are sell it for cov. Liar!
Who said anything about selling it with data? I’ve been selling it with vitamin d science that is available by googling it plus my nephs are smart to use it off label that way.

I'm a tired 40 plus year old rep with all the bells & whistles. I got a lot of upgrades. Some that make children (esp young boys) uncomfortable when I am in a bathing suit (like my frame can't support). My botox has gotten to the point where I look the joker and my face is always "awake". I never took the time to learn anything about diabetes. It's only a problem for fat people, and I would rather starve than gain wait. Obese people actually make me mad and I don't like to as much say hi to them. If I get shot this year, what would be s good next industry? I think the only way I survive this is if I sleep with my boss, and I did that to get into this industry and was a painful lesson...

Where have you been? Some of us have been doing that for awhile. How do you think there are territories making their numbers?
All two of them? You mean the ones that were in the absolute shitter for two quarters and then got a layup quota? But to your point. There was no mention of the study that is complete but Vifor won’t let be published. The head to head study. My guess is that Vifor asked for it to be held back so they can use it when the buy Rayaldee this summer. Oh, and we will all be out of a job when that happens.

All two of them? You mean the ones that were in the absolute shitter for two quarters and then got a layup quota? But to your point. There was no mention of the study that is complete but Vifor won’t let be published. The head to head study. My guess is that Vifor asked for it to be held back so they can use it when the buy Rayaldee this summer. Oh, and we will all be out of a job when that happens.
Oh yeah!