OK Mateys time to leave this sinking boat. They got rid of a rat(CB) or two, yet the rest of the crew have caught wind of things and nabbed a lifeboat or two for themselves. Not sure what the captain(MS) has planned for the next month or so, yet looks like the water is going to get really rough. Might have to take serious action since the Captain can not dock anywhere since there is no gold in the war chest to pay the port fee for docking(anywhere)! Oh some of the old timers might say they have been thru worse, yet I say grab hold of your knickers and a life preserver and go for dry land. Ahhhh.... what the heck do I know I am just a swab that mops the deck of the ship, but a smart one!!!! Storytime is now over kiddos and I would be scared if I was you... REALLL scared.