Alcon corporate. They never see the ☀️


i mean do you see some of these people enter the building. FAT FAT FAT obese employees

i mean this one guy can barely walk and he’s carrying a Mountain Dew around like a baby bottle.

hey fat man. Put down the Mountain Dew

i mean this one guy can barely walk and he’s carrying a Mountain Dew around like a baby bottle.

hey fat man. Put down the Mountain Dew

I see this guy. Yea man put down the Dew

Most of these couldn’t get jobs anywhere else. Even with their knee pads.

it’s a puritan ethnic hiring maneuver.

if you understand at Alcon the structure is the “sell”. It’s chart of personnel hierarchy that allows the wordsmith sell to all stakeholders

so once you understand that mindset. You can satisfy DI and all HR wonders…….because you really do not need them to think or be creative or even talented.

just do what your told and shut up.

It’s genius. It’s fraud. It’s sad but it’s f’n genius.

it is a win win

the best Truman show of all times

but you damn well better drink the kool-aid


The new forum I use is far superior to any other forum in existence. This particular forum is filled with think, sound, and look-alikes. (And/or people and companies that are so corrupt that unless the conversation is about a plot to steal or mislead they aren't able to communicate.) The new forum I use is filled with creative people, some of whom are extremely talented/gifted, who both directly and indirectly share ideas. It's a breath of fresh air really.

I hope each of you enjoy your vent circulated air and your kool aid pounding meetings.

One of the most dysfunctional pharma companies out there. Rotting from the inside out. It’s still going because it takes time for a behemoth to fall to the ground and die when it has a lot of things propping it up.

One of the most dysfunctional pharma companies out there. Rotting from the inside out. It’s still going because it takes time for a behemoth to fall to the ground and die when it has a lot of things propping it up.

Key words. “Propping it up”

Alcon is all about the propping it up to show an image a face. It’s all fancy dining room place settings of prop to say they are doing great things. Fraud all day long.