Aisha Pegram Merck CTL


Woman you are so far out there you have no idea how bad of a manager you really are, no one that works for you can say anything you get you to pull your head out of your incredibly arrogant posterior. Seriously how do you expect people to do the right thing 95% of the time when they only do it your way 5% of the time. You really have a lot to learn about human nature and how to motivate those that are report to you. We all know you can not self reflect so let me be the one to tell one wants to work for you they tolerate you because you a "Merck Kool Aid drinking CTL" seriously get on the back the hell off train! You SUCK!


She is the definition of those that can't try and teach where as those that can do. Stop being so scared of your shadow of Mother Merck and let your reps do there damn job.

It's "their" by the way. An obvious sign that someone must keep track of the funny farm.

Nice Aisha, pick on them for their grammar. We all know that no one is responsible for their numbers because of the district and nation thing, or what ever it is, we don't even know. Check your attitude at the door and chill out, we are all in this together and Obama don't give a s&$t. He don't even know your name.

There not coming from her district because she is to damn stupid to accept any feed back from them, but I will tell you this one is coming from someone who has witnessed her BS up close and it's pathetic, she doesn't ever deserve to finish #1. She needs to shut the hell up and learn.

This is an interesting thread, I don't know this person but heard from one of my customers recently that they met a Merck vaccine manager who was overbearing. The only reason they were willing to cope with the managers comments was out of respect for the reps they had worked with over the years. Crazy how one bad apple can ruin the reputation of an entire group. For what it is worth, it appears that the local wa reps are still respected.

She worked on our team in Greenville. HR was called in to mediate on more than 1 occasion. She is very difficult to work with. However, she does work hard. She wasn't a slaker just an incredibly difficult person to work on a team with. Ask anyone from the PC Greenville team.

How does someone this stupid continue to be employee and now be given more responsibility for more reps that she will continue to tell that she is smarter than. As you have said your best trait is getting people to do more. Only because of your position not because anyone respects you.........

I can not believe she is still with Merck and she made it through this last round of layoffs last month. She is the worst person in the world to work with. How she got to be a manager is beyond me. She will step on anyone and everyone to try and make her way to the top. I'm glad she is no longer here with us, but I feel sorry for the team she has on the west coast.
As a team you need to sit down with Phil and let him know how horrible she is. The file of complaints on her is thick. Maybe in the next round of layoffs this fall / winter she will get the axe.

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