

And it starts.... changing the co-pay card. Nice move. PCx, be glad you aren't launching until 1/1.

And you brand team folks better get your shit together for formulary inclusion (I mean, big time) come Jan 24'. Selling the field that ESI and CVS are the ticket to success won't fly. They are not. Large national commercial plans as well as large regionals have to be positioned favorably. Play the PBM card w/o other plans and this ship won't leave the dock.
And let's not forget that the Med D population also suffers from asthma. Ignore those plans at your own peril.
Now go back to your little meeting rooms telling each other how great you all are.
Why does history have to repeat itself so often at AZ?

And it starts.... changing the co-pay card. Nice move. PCx, be glad you aren't launching until 1/1.

And you brand team folks better get your shit together for formulary inclusion (I mean, big time) come Jan 24'. Selling the field that ESI and CVS are the ticket to success won't fly. They are not. Large national commercial plans as well as large regionals have to be positioned favorably. Play the PBM card w/o other plans and this ship won't leave the dock.
And let's not forget that the Med D population also suffers from asthma. Ignore those plans at your own peril.
Now go back to your little meeting rooms telling each other how great you all are.
Why does history have to repeat itself so often at AZ?

This sounds vaguely familiar to Breztri where we went through the launch of the fire breathing dragon meeting Zoom just to finish the launch meeting being told the coverage was incredible. You could have heard pins drop when they showed the coverage slide (glad it was on Zoom). The text messages were flying between the field. There is a BIG disconnect on what managed markets considers “great” coverage and what it’s like to be in the field first line with customers sharing it’s not on your top 3 plans, BUT it is on the 4th most prominent plan in your practice. Not so easy to sell when coverage is “mediocre”. Just set the goals accordingly.

Breztri, Bevespi, Farxiga, etc.

Being a marketer, you have to ALWAYS spin it as positive no matter how bad the coverage is. Salespeople roll their eyes. God, even now for Breztri, the initial awful coverage where docs tried to write and were told no is still haunting salespeople. Hope Cigna D and those couple of UHC/AARP plans will turn green this year. They may not be huge nationally but in some territories, they are pretty legit payers.

Only takes a few declines or PA's needed for docs to go the path of least resistance. After those first few challenges, it then is an uphill battle for months, if not years. Brand team: Take coverage out of the potential obstacles. You will be amazed at the results if you do.

This sounds vaguely familiar to Breztri where we went through the launch of the fire breathing dragon meeting Zoom just to finish the launch meeting being told the coverage was incredible. You could have heard pins drop when they showed the coverage slide (glad it was on Zoom). The text messages were flying between the field. There is a BIG disconnect on what managed markets considers “great” coverage and what it’s like to be in the field first line with customers sharing it’s not on your top 3 plans, BUT it is on the 4th most prominent plan in your practice. Not so easy to sell when coverage is “mediocre”. Just set the goals accordingly.

Curious the change to the savings card referenced above? We touted Record Breaking 52% of Nationwide Commercial Lives covered for Breztri at launch and we know that was not “unparalleled access” and we waited for the Rapidly Accelerating we were told. Hopefully our account teams are working hard to have better coverage for this great opportunity for asthma patients.

I have to admit, the resources are good once in the cue for ordering. The reprint holder is excellent. One of the better one's I have seen....& I have seen many.

Just understand brand team, there is nothing "revolutionary" about this drug. Does it fit a need? Yes, but if formulary status sucks (this includes Med D, as many older people still have asthma), it will wilt on the vine.

So let me first state: You can't make this shit up.

We have a drug with zero coverage yet "they" want us to launch it big in Q4 w/ a $0 co-pay card.
Then, they change the $0 and make it $15.00
Then, they tell us we are launching 10/2 but distributors won't have it until the 5th or 6th but at that time, we are good to go.
Now, the majority of pharmacies can NOT get the product.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, the SIP is actually part of an FSIP so field folks are screwed. When has a SIP EVER been part of FSIP? No coverage, little to no product at pharmacy level and yet the brand team and certain CBD's all toeing the line. Hey, GFY.

Just another example of putting ass kissers in positions they should not be in. Know what I mean brand team? Can mention names but what's the point?

What a cluster fuck.

So let me first state: You can't make this shit up.

We have a drug with zero coverage yet "they" want us to launch it big in Q4 w/ a $0 co-pay card.
Then, they change the $0 and make it $15.00
Then, they tell us we are launching 10/2 but distributors won't have it until the 5th or 6th but at that time, we are good to go.
Now, the majority of pharmacies can NOT get the product.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, the SIP is actually part of an FSIP so field folks are screwed. When has a SIP EVER been part of FSIP? No coverage, little to no product at pharmacy level and yet the brand team and certain CBD's all toeing the line. Hey, GFY.

Just another example of putting ass kissers in positions they should not be in. Know what I mean brand team? Can mention names but what's the point?

What a cluster fuck.

Yup. And people wonder why we may live the all day lie. Job is a complete joke.

To the posters above discussing FSIP & SIP, yes it is BS. At this point as a RST, I really am not pushing hard for lots of scripts for Airsupra. Had my biggest target tell me, I won't use cards. AZ speaks to the lack of return for FTO's, I bet the usage of co-pay cards (based on the amount out there) is incredibly low.

AZ knows this. Just another way to reduce costs w/o any heavy lifting. Can't wait to see what we have for coverage come January. Any guesses?

My guess is that you are a typical moron RST who thinks they know better than marketing on how to promote a new drug that needs to be successful for the health of the Resp TA. Obviously you can’t sell and are waiting for the status of managed care plan acceptance to determine whether you will put any effort into promoting the drug. I’ll bet if your DM looked through your sales activity, they’d find lots of half days and faked calls. You’re an embarrassment to the selling profession.

My guess is that you are a typical moron RST who thinks they know better than marketing on how to promote a new drug that needs to be successful for the health of the Resp TA. Obviously you can’t sell and are waiting for the status of managed care plan acceptance to determine whether you will put any effort into promoting the drug. I’ll bet if your DM looked through your sales activity, they’d find lots of half days and faked calls. You’re an embarrassment to the selling profession.

God, you are ignorant. How's the asshole you lick on a daily basis taste?

I guess that truth bomb hit a little close to home. Now go spend that lunch budget early so you look like a superstar on your metrics! Face it, you cant, and don’t, sell; you’re a caterer.

SIP”s have always been in addition to FSIP’s, not part of them. Making Airsupra part of the FSIP w/ no coverage is BS.

I’m sure the Breztri team would love to know how much time we are spending chasing down retail pharmacies because of the absurd amount of calls from offices telling us patients can’t get Airsupra.

My partner and I have begun moving appts into 24’ that we had in Oct and Nov. Let the kinks be worked out so not to aggravate the crap out of offices.

Regarding Med D coverage- amen!
Regarding resolving the pharmacy level issues and chasing down prescriptions- spot on!
Regarding FSIP- dumpster fire!
Regarding larger scale issues- complete and utter disconnect from reality - why not ask the field what is needed to drive business instead of this throw everything at the wall and see what sticks approach?

Everything has been a dumpster fire.

Cue the micro management! That will turn it all around.

Only industry that infantilization is the norm.

Regarding Med D coverage- amen!
Regarding resolving the pharmacy level issues and chasing down prescriptions- spot on!
Regarding FSIP- dumpster fire!
Regarding larger scale issues- complete and utter disconnect from reality - why not ask the field what is needed to drive business instead of this throw everything at the wall and see what sticks approach?

Everything has been a dumpster fire.

Cue the micro management! That will turn it all around.

Only industry that infantilization is the norm.
Calm down and go to your anger management class.

Calm down and go to your anger management class.
They didn't appear angry in the post. Looks like they were just agreeing with what has already been posted. Looks like someone on brand doesn't like to be called out. Oh, how is the formulary coverage looking? The same. Oh, OK. Almost a year with no large national plans in the fold outside of PBM's. As someone stated much earlier in the thread, not a very good long-term prognosis if AZ doesn't increase "preferred" status for Airsupra on commercial and Part D. Ya think that may be why they are now including Medicaid as a book of biz now? Inept.

I guess that truth bomb hit a little close to home. Now go spend that lunch budget early so you look like a superstar on your metrics! Face it, you cant, and don’t, sell; you’re a caterer.
The crazy manager in Wichita is the queen of metrics and she is checking everything you do. She blames everything on the regional. She was evil here at Novo so don’t be fooled and don’t question her

They didn't appear angry in the post. Looks like they were just agreeing with what has already been posted. Looks like someone on brand doesn't like to be called out. Oh, how is the formulary coverage looking? The same. Oh, OK. Almost a year with no large national plans in the fold outside of PBM's. As someone stated much earlier in the thread, not a very good long-term prognosis if AZ doesn't increase "preferred" status for Airsupra on commercial and Part D. Ya think that may be why they are now including Medicaid as a book of biz now? Inept.
I just laugh at the stupid posts from our "sales" reps. We should rename them to lunch caterers. My middle school child can do the job!