
AHRQ comments on the clinical data supporting efficacy and safety very encouraging for PTNS. I have seen AHRQ trash a lot of technologies and products in the medical device arena, some very successful ones like VAC from KCI (which always surprised me bc VAC is good).

Congrats to the Uroplasty team.

AHRQ comments on the clinical data supporting efficacy and safety very encouraging for PTNS. I have seen AHRQ trash a lot of technologies and products in the medical device arena, some very successful ones like VAC from KCI (which always surprised me bc VAC is good).

Congrats to the Uroplasty team.

I guess they ignored the OrBiT and SuMiT data.

MeDtRoNiC sUcKs - ignoring the data, please. AHRQ doesn't ignore anything. In fact most of the time they are overly harsh when evaluating technologies and procedures.

Meantime, the expanded reimbursement keeps on coming. See PR out today.