AGN 2010 Results - Record Bonuses for whom?

AGN Investment & insider news

Allergan Inc. announced its 2010 third quarter results. Allergan Record Earnings, so how was your Bonus check?

Chairman and CEO David E I Pyott sold 667,229 shares of AGN stock on 11/05/2010 at the average price of 73.01 = $48,714,389.39 48+Million!

President F Michael Ball sold 304,200 shares of AGN stock on 11/03/2010 at the average price of 73 = $22,209,642 22+Million!

EVP, Fin & Bus. Dev., CFO Jeffrey L Edwards sold 43,596 shares of AGN stock on 07/15/2010 at the average price of 64.68 = 2.8+Million

How was your bonus check? Our division is working harder than ever before and making the least amount of money ever and possibly the lowest in the industry. Sales jobs outlook are starting to improve and the best performers will be leaving for sure.

Allergan Inc. announced its 2010 third quarter results. Allergan Record Earnings, so how was your Bonus check?

Chairman and CEO David E I Pyott sold 667,229 shares of AGN stock on 11/05/2010 at the average price of 73.01 = $48,714,389.39 48+Million!

President F Michael Ball sold 304,200 shares of AGN stock on 11/03/2010 at the average price of 73 = $22,209,642 22+Million!

EVP, Fin & Bus. Dev., CFO Jeffrey L Edwards sold 43,596 shares of AGN stock on 07/15/2010 at the average price of 64.68 = 2.8+Million

How was your bonus check? Our division is working harder than ever before and making the least amount of money ever and possibly the lowest in the industry. Sales jobs outlook are starting to improve and the best performers will be leaving for sure.

Interestingly enough the published trading window opened on 11/1 when AGN stock peaked.. It appears the only people that were allowed to trade were corporate executives. They dumped so much stock on the market the price tanked for everyone else. Corporate greed people. No different today than before our Integrity Agreement. Tell me ... were can I find this integrity?

How embarrassing for these Corporate Raiders to be siphoning out multi-multi-millions of dollars while the representatives that generated the profits for Allergan are being paid well below industry standards.

Interestingly enough the published trading window opened on 11/1 when AGN stock peaked.. It appears the only people that were allowed to trade were corporate executives. They dumped so much stock on the market the price tanked for everyone else. Corporate greed people. No different today than before our Integrity Agreement. Tell me ... were can I find this integrity?

Window opened on the 3rd dipshit. Get the facts or get lost.

No wonder we’re not making any money over here as sales people. Upper management is just a bunch of lackeys while AGN is being raided by its Top Pirates at the expense of killing company morale.

Pyott & Ball are making over 76 Million dollars, for Just ONE Year, 2010. (Bonuses, salaries 2.86 Million dollars & 1.12 Million dollars) and the Sales Team that drives the business has had Bonus’ Drastically CUT for years. The investors need to know where company morale and sales will be heading in 2011.

Top 2 guys at Allergan pulling in over 76 MILLION Dollars for 2010

Or “Siphoning out” 76 Million Dollars? They just TAKE out as much Money and as fast as they can, before they sell the company or are taken over and kicked out themselves.

No wonder we’re not making any money over here as sales people. Upper management is just a bunch of lackeys while AGN is being raided by its Top Pirates at the expense of killing company morale.

Pyott & Ball are making over 76 Million dollars, for Just ONE Year, 2010. (Bonuses, salaries 2.86 Million dollars & 1.12 Million dollars) and the Sales Team that drives the business has had Bonus’ Drastically CUT for years. The investors need to know where company morale and sales will be heading in 2011.

Top 2 guys at Allergan pulling in over 76 MILLION Dollars for 2010

Or “Siphoning out” 76 Million Dollars? They just TAKE out as much Money and as fast as they can, before they sell the company or are taken over and kicked out themselves.

It's like having a step dad move into your house, get control of the checking and savings account and start slowly removing the money. Pretty soon the cable is cut off, the pool man stops coming around, the refrigator has no food in it, and finally the house goes up for sale and is in foreclosure.

All the "Board of Directors" are these 2 guys good friends so they keep them "in charge' and in the positions to continue to "rape" the coffers of the corporation.

Exactly what's wrong with this country and why so many corporations are in trouble. AGN is a solid cow for them to milk, for now. But, hey, how's it going for the rest of the employees? Are you guys making huge bonuses too?

Pretty standard for corporate America. Wonder why the gap is so big between the rich and everyone else? It's set up that way. Act on your true feelings and leave this pit for a better place--you'll feel better and maybe if enough leave, the piggies at the top will get the message, or even better, get the boot.

Pyott & Ball are just employees like the rest of us and yet they think they deserve to rape and pillage a quarter of the company's profits for themselves.

76+ Million dollars for 2 guys that just work here.

Are we ready for a serious Board of Directors revamp?

No wonder our Bonuses checks were cut in half this year.
How do those guys sleep at night?
And they want us to continue to go out and bust our asses so they can steal from "our company". Did they invent the drugs? Did they start the company? NO, they just work here too.

Pyott & Ball are just employees like the rest of us and yet they think they deserve to rape and pillage a quarter of the company's profits for themselves.

76+ Million dollars for 2 guys that just work here.

Are we ready for a serious Board of Directors revamp?

Pyott actually sold $75,500,000 in the month of November so the total between Pyott and Ball is closer to $98,000,000. It must be nice to be in charge of your own compensation plan.


Pyott and Ball have stolen my bonus and yours too.

How the hell can these two pirates not only raid the coffers of the Allergan Corporation but also get into reducing our bonuses in this record year of profits?

They cut our Bonus in half and steal over 100 Million dollars.

If we don't fight this now we will be taken advantage of like hebrew slaves.
Stop working now.


Pyott and Ball have stolen my bonus and yours too.

How the hell can these two pirates not only raid the coffers of the Allergan Corporation but also get into reducing our bonuses in this record year of profits?

They cut our Bonus in half and steal over 100 Million dollars.

If we don't fight this now we will be taken advantage of like hebrew slaves.
Stop working now.


SEC Investigation?

Will there be an inside examination of the Board of Directors and their relationships with Pyott and Ball? Are there even more corporate raiders involved in Allergan?

Is Federal Prison in their future? Will they be Bernie Madoff's new playing card partners?

SEC Investigation?

Will there be an inside examination of the Board of Directors and their relationships with Pyott and Ball? Are there even more corporate raiders involved in Allergan?

Is Federal Prison in their future? Will they be Bernie Madoff's new playing card partners?

WHAT are you talking about? Our stock increased and made A LOT of people A LOT of money. Not just Pyott and Ball. This is far from a ponzi scheme. This is capitalism at it's best. If you don't like it leave. If you do, buy some stock or you become the CEO. Last time I checked this is still America.

WHAT are you talking about? Our stock increased and made A LOT of people A LOT of money. Not just Pyott and Ball. This is far from a ponzi scheme. This is capitalism at it's best. If you don't like it leave. If you do, buy some stock or you become the CEO. Last time I checked this is still America.

FACT: AGN Stock is basically the same price it was in 2008